Pet Immune System Enhancement Is The Key To Building A Solid Foundation For Good Health

Discovering ways to promote pet immune system enhancement is important for any pet, although it is particularly important for aging pets whose immune systems are in decline. This decline in immunity brought about by the natural aging process increases vulnerability to a whole array of illness that in prior years would have been nothing more than an afterthought. One example that comes to mind would be bacterial infections of the urinary tract.

Pet immune system enhancement is the key to self-healing and self-healing is the key to a strong natural defense system to protect cats and dogs against everything from flu germs to cancer. Practitioners and advocates of natural health believe that a weak immune system plays a major role in causing disease. While miracle drugs like antibiotics are important they definitely don't affect whatever it is that has created the vulnerability in the first place. In fact, in certain instances they may actually weaken a pets immune system. This is especially true when used over a long period of time.

There is no shortage of culprits that can weaken a pet's immunity. Something as subtle as quality of afternoon light or being left alone too often may have an impact. But when you get right down to it diet, stress, exercise, and supplementation, or lack of it, are the biggest factors in determining whether your pet will become sick or stay healthy.

Focusing in on diet

When working to formulate a plan for pet immune system enhancement it is important to take diet into consideration. A good way to look at this is that your pets immune defenses are designed to focus on foreign invaders while ignoring normal molecules such as those found in food. Feed your pet a diet filled with dyes, additives, and preservatives and it can cause the immune system to swing into action unleashing a flood of cells designed to fight the perceived threat which in turn triggers a chain reaction that releases other potentially harmful chemicals such as histamines. There is a lot more to this story but the bottom line is it is better to feed your pet a diet that is made up of primarily all natural ingredients.

Additionally, pet foods rich in vitamins C, E, and B along with herbal antioxidants such as echinacea, grape seeds, and ginkgo may also boost immune system function.


A recent study found that inactive pets are 3 times more likely to become ill than active ones. There are a number of reasons why this occurs with the simplest explanation being that exercise (especially outdoor) boosts immune function. So keep them active.

Cranberry and Raspberry

These juices may not directly boost immune function but they do help prevent bacteria from entering the body through the urinary tract. By adding a few drops to your pets water, or food, each day you will be taking a preventative action that will free up your pets immune defenses to focus on more pressing matters.


Domesticated pets are gradually losing their natural immunity due to less exposure to disease and more exposure to chemical compounds such as antibiotics and vaccines. Don't get me wrong antibiotics and vaccines are not always a bad thing but there is a school of thought suggesting that over an extended period of time they may weaken overall immunity.

Homeopathics are a way of countering this along with other factors mentioned above. Some of the more effective pet homeopathic immune supplements contain Huang Qi (Astragalus membranaceous) and Milk Thistle (Sylibum marianus).

In conclusion, we have just scratched the surface when it comes to pet immune system enhancement. Nevertheless, the information in this article should provide you with an excellent starting point to build upon ensuring that your pet lives a happy disease free life for many years to come.

Robert D. Hawkins is an enthusiastic consumer advocate for natural pet health with over 10 years experience in the field.

To discover more about immune and cellular health in pets along with information about a herbal and homeopathic pet supplement specially formulated to boost your pets natural immune defenses
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