Natural Pet Remedies - Are They An Option Worth Considering?

The use of natural pet remedies is a controversial subject that not everyone agrees upon. Additionally, knowing when a natural pet remedy is right, and when it is not, may turn out to a judgment call with your cat or dog's life in the balance.

For example if a cat or dog was in the advanced stages of a bacterial urinary tract infection which was rapidly making it way up the urinary tract to the kidneys using a natural pet remedy alone would be a terrible idea. On the other hand if the remedy in question was homeopathic in nature and could be used in conjunction with an antibiotic treatment, or if the goal after successful treatment was to prevent recurring infection it would definitely be an option worth considering.

So really what it boils down to is there is time and place for herbal, homeopathic, and even home remedies such as apple cider vinegar or cranberry juice.

Additionally, pets suffering from conditions such as Cushing's Disease, or certain types of cancer, may have exhausted all conventional treatment options. In these cases remedies taken from nature may be their only choice.

For example a few years ago I adopted a cat that was about to be put to sleep partly because of his age, lack of success at finding him a home, and the appearance of what looked like small a small tumor in the neck area.

After the adoption was completed it was now time to take a trip to the vet to have him checked out. Upon examination my veterinarian decided to biopsy the area and found it indeed was cancer. The problem was the tumor/tumors were malignant and located in an area where an operation would have little chance of succeeding. He gave my new found feline friend only a few months to live. It is now three years later and with the help of a homeopathic remedy containing Huang Qi, Milk Thistle, Indian Ginseng, and Echinacea he is still around. Essentially it has slowed the spread enough to buy him a few extra years of life. Illnesses such as cancer are unpredictable at best and if you chose this course of action a good rule of thumb is to hope for the best and expect the worst.

Your veterinarian may be able to provide guidance as to whether a natural pet remedy is appropriate for your pets unique situation.

Another thing to consider is that pets today seem to be losing much of their natural immunity through breeding, diets consisting of commercial pet foods filled with additives and fillers, lower activity levels, increased stress levels, and some might argue the overuse of vaccines. They no longer are able to roam the wild in search of medicinal herbs which might offset much of the damage caused by breeding and an unhealthy lifestyle. This dilemma can be somewhat offset with of help of herbal or homeopathic natural pet remedies specially formulated to boost immune system performance.

In conclusion, whether or not to use a natural pet remedy has a lot to do with the condition you are trying to treat, whether conventional treatment methods have worked, whether or not the goal is prevention, and the age and overall health of the cat or dog in question. That said, when the time is right these types of alternative medicines can be a valuable tool for pet parents who are looking for a treatment method that has no unpleasant or dangerous side effects and is capable of producing excellent results.

Robert D. Hawkins is an enthusiastic consumer advocate for natural pet health and natural living with over 10 years experience in the field.
To learn more about pet health along with information about safe and effective herbal and homeopathic natural pet remedies
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