Pet Immune System Enhancement Is The Key To Building A Solid Foundation For Good Health

Discovering ways to promote pet immune system enhancement is important for any pet, although it is particularly important for aging pets whose immune systems are in decline. This decline in immunity brought about by the natural aging process increases vulnerability to a whole array of illness that in prior years would have been nothing more than an afterthought. One example that comes to mind would be bacterial infections of the urinary tract.

Pet immune system enhancement is the key to self-healing and self-healing is the key to a strong natural defense system to protect cats and dogs against everything from flu germs to cancer. Practitioners and advocates of natural health believe that a weak immune system plays a major role in causing disease. While miracle drugs like antibiotics are important they definitely don't affect whatever it is that has created the vulnerability in the first place. In fact, in certain instances they may actually weaken a pets immune system. This is especially true when used over a long period of time.

There is no shortage of culprits that can weaken a pet's immunity. Something as subtle as quality of afternoon light or being left alone too often may have an impact. But when you get right down to it diet, stress, exercise, and supplementation, or lack of it, are the biggest factors in determining whether your pet will become sick or stay healthy.

Focusing in on diet

When working to formulate a plan for pet immune system enhancement it is important to take diet into consideration. A good way to look at this is that your pets immune defenses are designed to focus on foreign invaders while ignoring normal molecules such as those found in food. Feed your pet a diet filled with dyes, additives, and preservatives and it can cause the immune system to swing into action unleashing a flood of cells designed to fight the perceived threat which in turn triggers a chain reaction that releases other potentially harmful chemicals such as histamines. There is a lot more to this story but the bottom line is it is better to feed your pet a diet that is made up of primarily all natural ingredients.

Additionally, pet foods rich in vitamins C, E, and B along with herbal antioxidants such as echinacea, grape seeds, and ginkgo may also boost immune system function.


A recent study found that inactive pets are 3 times more likely to become ill than active ones. There are a number of reasons why this occurs with the simplest explanation being that exercise (especially outdoor) boosts immune function. So keep them active.

Cranberry and Raspberry

These juices may not directly boost immune function but they do help prevent bacteria from entering the body through the urinary tract. By adding a few drops to your pets water, or food, each day you will be taking a preventative action that will free up your pets immune defenses to focus on more pressing matters.


Domesticated pets are gradually losing their natural immunity due to less exposure to disease and more exposure to chemical compounds such as antibiotics and vaccines. Don't get me wrong antibiotics and vaccines are not always a bad thing but there is a school of thought suggesting that over an extended period of time they may weaken overall immunity.

Homeopathics are a way of countering this along with other factors mentioned above. Some of the more effective pet homeopathic immune supplements contain Huang Qi (Astragalus membranaceous) and Milk Thistle (Sylibum marianus).

In conclusion, we have just scratched the surface when it comes to pet immune system enhancement. Nevertheless, the information in this article should provide you with an excellent starting point to build upon ensuring that your pet lives a happy disease free life for many years to come.

Robert D. Hawkins is an enthusiastic consumer advocate for natural pet health with over 10 years experience in the field.

To discover more about immune and cellular health in pets along with information about a herbal and homeopathic pet supplement specially formulated to boost your pets natural immune defenses
Click Here

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Natural Pet Remedies - Are They An Option Worth Considering?

The use of natural pet remedies is a controversial subject that not everyone agrees upon. Additionally, knowing when a natural pet remedy is right, and when it is not, may turn out to a judgment call with your cat or dog's life in the balance.

For example if a cat or dog was in the advanced stages of a bacterial urinary tract infection which was rapidly making it way up the urinary tract to the kidneys using a natural pet remedy alone would be a terrible idea. On the other hand if the remedy in question was homeopathic in nature and could be used in conjunction with an antibiotic treatment, or if the goal after successful treatment was to prevent recurring infection it would definitely be an option worth considering.

So really what it boils down to is there is time and place for herbal, homeopathic, and even home remedies such as apple cider vinegar or cranberry juice.

Additionally, pets suffering from conditions such as Cushing's Disease, or certain types of cancer, may have exhausted all conventional treatment options. In these cases remedies taken from nature may be their only choice.

For example a few years ago I adopted a cat that was about to be put to sleep partly because of his age, lack of success at finding him a home, and the appearance of what looked like small a small tumor in the neck area.

After the adoption was completed it was now time to take a trip to the vet to have him checked out. Upon examination my veterinarian decided to biopsy the area and found it indeed was cancer. The problem was the tumor/tumors were malignant and located in an area where an operation would have little chance of succeeding. He gave my new found feline friend only a few months to live. It is now three years later and with the help of a homeopathic remedy containing Huang Qi, Milk Thistle, Indian Ginseng, and Echinacea he is still around. Essentially it has slowed the spread enough to buy him a few extra years of life. Illnesses such as cancer are unpredictable at best and if you chose this course of action a good rule of thumb is to hope for the best and expect the worst.

Your veterinarian may be able to provide guidance as to whether a natural pet remedy is appropriate for your pets unique situation.

Another thing to consider is that pets today seem to be losing much of their natural immunity through breeding, diets consisting of commercial pet foods filled with additives and fillers, lower activity levels, increased stress levels, and some might argue the overuse of vaccines. They no longer are able to roam the wild in search of medicinal herbs which might offset much of the damage caused by breeding and an unhealthy lifestyle. This dilemma can be somewhat offset with of help of herbal or homeopathic natural pet remedies specially formulated to boost immune system performance.

In conclusion, whether or not to use a natural pet remedy has a lot to do with the condition you are trying to treat, whether conventional treatment methods have worked, whether or not the goal is prevention, and the age and overall health of the cat or dog in question. That said, when the time is right these types of alternative medicines can be a valuable tool for pet parents who are looking for a treatment method that has no unpleasant or dangerous side effects and is capable of producing excellent results.

Robert D. Hawkins is an enthusiastic consumer advocate for natural pet health and natural living with over 10 years experience in the field.
To learn more about pet health along with information about safe and effective herbal and homeopathic natural pet remedies
Click Here

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Pet Allergies Air Purifier - 5 Features An Effective Cleaner Should Have

If being around your pet causes you to sneeze, become congested, and rub watering eyes, you are probably allergic to your beloved pet. Using the right air cleaner will help. And here are 5 features that will insure effectiveness.

HEPA Technology - This is the type of filtration hospitals use to insure clean air because it has proven itself to be incredibly efficient at removing airborne particles. As an allergy sufferer you know all too well all the airborne particles that can trigger a flare-up. Pet related particulates such as dander can accumulate to such a level that you can hardly stand to be in the same room with the pet you love.

Other more normal particulates in conjunction with those from Beethoven, Fluffy, or Rio can create just as many problems. Normal household dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, bacteria and viruses are present in everyone's home, regardless of how clean it is. And these working in concert with the pets' particle can make the air thick with allergens.

By definition HEPA filters must be able to remove airborne particulates as small as .3 microns in size with a micron being defined as one millionth of a meter. That makes this type of filter able to eliminate all of the airborne particles above with 99.97% efficiency.

Carbon-Based Filter - Every animal has its own unique scent including humans. We bathe and use personal products to mask our more natural and not always more pleasant scent. Pets don't have that option. So with animals there is going to be some smell.

As a pet lover, you are probably far more tolerant (or perhaps don't even notice) the smell. Friends, family, and others who visit your home may not be as forgiving. Carbon has long been recognized as the best type of filter to eliminate gaseous pollutants. And there's just no sense in bringing an air cleaner home that can't remove odor.

Carbon does not discriminate about the type of odors it will remove. Gases, odors, and airborne chemicals from any source will be eliminated by filtering the air with carbon.

360 Degree Intake - This feature is important because it gives you the most options in terms of placement of the cleaner. Because it can pull air from all sides with only a 6 inch clearance you can put it in a corner, down low, or up high and it will be equally effective. Units without this feature often have to be placed in the center of the room to function well.

Split Capacitor Motor - It's important to look for this type of motor in the technical specifications of the unit. This type of motor is built to run safely and continuously without needed time to rest or cool down. This means that your air can be continually filtered of the gaseous and particulate allergens that could cause flare ups.

5-Year Filter Warranty - A purifier that requires you to replace the filter every 6 months to a year to be effective and/or to keep the warranty active adds significantly to the cost of the unit. Finding out about this seemingly minor detail can derail your ability to keep the air filtered and your pet allergies managed.

It will take a little attention to the fine print to check for these 5 features, but you will reap the benefits 24 hours a day every day. And you stand a greater chance of being able to manage your allergies and keep your pet. Doesn't that make it all worthwhile?

See the air purifier that can help you enjoy your pet and minimize your allergy symptoms with the Pet Dander Air Purifier at

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Loving Your Pet Turtle

Many people have the strong inclination to watch animal channels like, Animal Planet, National Geographic, and the Discovery Channel. They make and present very good and informative episodes, stories, and news about almost every animal species there is, one of which are turtles. These products show the audience that animals are interesting and fun if you're fond of them. In one way or another, turtles have been a popular choice as an easy and below average maintenance domestic pet for many households nowadays.

Caring for your pet turtle is like having a pet dog or cat. You need to provide its biological needs like, shelter, food, water and the like. At the same time, you must not neglect them, but make them feel loved and attended to. Turtles are easier to take care of and they have lower maintenance compared to conventional domestic animals such as dogs and cats. Keep in mind that proper preparation and budget must be observed and considered before you can officially buy and own a turtle in order for it to have a guaranteed safe, comfortable and healthy lifestyle while living with you.

One way of acquiring valuable information and tips on caring for your pet turtle is through the television. This form of media has been by far the most influential and most accessible way to convey messages to audiences. Channels that feature mainly animals such as, Discovery Channel, National Geographic, Animal Planet, and so on, present and introduce documentaries and educational short stories which help in opening the minds of people in pushing them do what is right and showing concern to the animals.

More and more people are getting educated and involved in sharing the news of saving turtles. Some of its species are already starting to be extinct, while some are in danger of losing their natural habitats. While it's illegal to possess a turtle of a size that is not suitable to keep at home, buying mini turtles or other sizes within the allowable limit is all right. In planning to keep a pet turtle, you can learn a thing or two from featured experts specializing in turtle species and people who are experience in breeding and rearing turtles. In this way, you can increase your knowledge about caring for your pet turtle.

Turtles could seem hard on the outside because of their outer covering but they could also be one of the gentlest creatures you could ever encounter. Nurturing their gentle hearts is the surest way to make you happy as well. It is always better to be ready and well-equipped in the process of caring for your pet turtle.

Jesse Branch is an expert on fun, homemade arts and crafts. She invites you to learn more about caring for your pet turtle in this related article.

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Taking Small Dogs On Planes - What You Need To Know

Numerous airlines allow for small dogs on planes. Each airline has its own specifications, so it is better to get in touch with the individual air carrier that you'd rather fly. You are able to get a list of the rules or requirements. In just about any situation, it is very important to make reservations for your pet, as the airlines usually have a limit regarding the number of dogs and cats per cabin. Each airline has a toll-free number and website.

You must take your dog to a vet, no more than ten days from your departure date to make sure all the shots are current and to obtain a duplicate of the vaccination records to give the airline ticket agent. At the same time, have the vet make certain your pet is healthy and up to airline travel. Some people believe dogs and cats shouldn't fly due the altitude differences and staying in a carrier for a long time of time;however, a veterinarian will provide you with good advice on this issue.

Your pet also needs to have a collar with name address, and phone number and tags showing evidence of vaccinations. It is also a great idea to have your dog micro-chipped, in case the collar comes off or your pet gets split up from you. The Humane Society, kennels and even pet shelters make use of scanning devices to read the chips that have been implanted. This process is not unpleasant for your dog and isn't prohibitive in terms of price tag. Many times this process has shown to be the real difference in locating your dog or losing him forever.

A carrier is another necessity. Again, they differ from a Sherpa (soft exterior with fleece pad on the inside) to a hard shell dog crate. There should be good ventilation and a durable luggage tag with pets name, address and contact number ( both home and destination).

On the Plane:

Take a container of water and small bowl, as your dog may get thirsty. Drinking water is essential, nevertheless take a small amount of food in a zip-lock baggie. Some attendants will allow you to go ahead and take pet out of your carrier and put him in your lap; however, as far as we know, none of them allow this during meal services, even if it is just drink and pretzels. Also, put one of the dog's preferred toys inside the carrier as, just like children, they really like a familiar item.

Only one more thing prior to taking your small dogs on planes. When heading through security, it is mandatory that you take your dog out of the carrier and proceed through security holding him. That said, be sure to put a leash on the pet in the event he or she gets frightened and leaps out of your arms.

Joseph Santos is a retired executive living in Rockport, Massachusetts. With several decades of experience traveling with small dogs on planes, cars, and even boats. He now contributes to a popular website completely devoted to dog travel. For more important travel tips, please go to his web site =>

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Allergic To Your Rabbit? - The Best Way To Keep Pet Allergies Under Control

Finding out your rabbit makes you sneeze is no fun, particularly after it has become a part of the family. Filtering the air with the right purifier can drastically improve your quality of life and still enjoy your bunny. An air cleaner is only "right" if it has the filters described in this article.

The most usual cause for pet allergies is the protein that is contained in their dander. Dander is flakes of dead skin that are constantly being shed to make way for newer healthier skin. All warm-blooded animals (cats, dogs, birds, ferrets) shed these microscopic pieces of skin. And this is a process that will continue for as long as you have your rabbit. (I know, why didn't somebody tell you before you fell in love?)

So given that you can't stop it from being produced, the next best thing is to manage it so you and rabbit can live happily ever after. The number one rule for any allergy is to avoid the trigger. And I don't mean your pet.

Nothing will remove 100% of the allergen, but by filtering the air 24 hours a day with an air cleaner that is specifically designed to remove particles that range from big to small to microscopic you can drastically reduce the level of dander and as the old adage goes you can literally "keep your dander down".

The best type of filter for removal of airborne particles is HEPA or high efficiency particle arresting filtration. Designed to remove particles as small as.3 microns in size its designation requires that for every 10,000 airborne particles it must remove 99,997 of them. That's a pretty good definition of efficient.!

This filter will remove not only pet-related particulates both normal, everyday pollutants that are found in the cleanest of homes. These include but are limited to dust, dust mites, mold and mildew spores, bacteria, and viruses.. Being able to reduce the number of irritants, both gaseous and particulate, pet-related and normal is the best solution for continually keeping triggers low and quality of life high..

There are other types of filter an air cleaner should have if it is to be able to lower particulate allergens. Pre-filters both large and medium size will help to trap particles that you can see in the air, and prevent the HEPA from filling needlessly with these big particles. These allow only the smallest of particles to pass through which help you avoid spending time and money with frequent filter changes.

And finally, carbon cloth gives a 4th level of protection while also removing gaseous pollutants. This type of filer is important because most often allergies flare because of a combination of irritants.

The many gaseous pollutants that linger in the air from personal and household products, and smoke can work together to add to problems caused by particles.. Having a filter that can remove both gases and particles indicates a cleaner that can multi-task, and that's exactly what you need with allergies.

The less there is in the air, the less likely you are to experience symptoms that make it impossible for you to enjoy your pet.

No one thing can give relief from your allergies. But filtering the air is one of the safest, non-invasive ways to start. And there is no down side to breathing clean air is there?

Love your rabbit and manage your allergies too with help from the Pet Dander Air Purifier at

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A Short Introduction to the Shubunkin Goldfish

If you are thinking of getting your very first pet goldfish the Shubunkin goldfish is a great choice; especially for kids and beginners. These are beautiful and graceful fish that have an unusual but beautiful coloration that you will certainly love.

The Shubunkin goldfish is one of the most sought-after breed of the pet fish. This breed was developed in Japan in the latter part of the 19th century, hence the Japanese name of the breed, but there are also different varieties of this breed of fish namely the American, London, and Bristol Shubunkins.

Shubunkins are similar in appearance to the common goldfish in terms of body shapes; though the Shubunkin has a more streamlined shape and its tail and fins are slightly longer. What makes the Shubinkin different from common goldfish is their coloration. Shubunkin are known for their unusual color pattern; a mix of metallic and translucent scales with blotches of black, red, brown, white, and even blue. Shubunkin is also called the calico goldfish because of their unusual color patterns, which also run on the fins and tail of the fish.

Among the many varieties of Shubunkins all over the world, the most common is the Bristol variety, it is recommended for beginners because they have good resistance to illnesses and does not require too much maintenance. The Shubunkin can live for more than 10 years and grow over a foot in length as long as it is given enough room and is well-fed. The ideal habitat for growing large Shubunkin goldfish is a tank or pond that provides 10 to 12 gallons of water per fish; you can add more fish to the tank but they are not guaranteed to grow any larger than 6 inches in length.

Shubunkin goldfish are not picky eaters, they will pretty much devour whatever you place in front of them, fish flakes or pellets, live meal worms, and even cooked vegetables. It is a good idea to give them a variety of foods to keep them healthy. Just be careful in feeding them live food like worms as they might contain parasites that can cause various illnesses.

And regarding the water conditions, Shubunkin goldfish are not that sensitive to it as well. Shubunkin can thrive in any kind of water as long as the temperature is just right, but if you want to keep your goldfish healthy and happy you should install a good filtration and aeration system in your aquarium. Just like other types of goldfish, the Shubunkins require lots of oxygen in their water so it will be beneficial for them to be put in a tank with a wide opening.

Although the Shubunkin goldfish are hardy, it does not mean that they will be okay without any care. They will require some maintenance so that they will remain healthy, you only need to make sure that they are always well-fed and their tank is always clean, doing so will ensure that you will enjoy their company for many years to come.

For more information on the shubunkin goldfish, please visit My Goldfish Care:

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Is Your Dog's Scratching Becoming A Problem?

There are a wide variety of reasons that a dog may develop an allergy or have an allergic reaction to a product. The main thing is to identify the trigger and then manage either your dogs environment or diet, depending on the cause of the allergy

Much like humans, canines can suffer from allergies due to seasonal changes, bites or stings from insects, skin contact with an allergen, food allergies, or any combination of any of these. The symptoms can range from itching, red, swollen skin with or without sores, watery eyes, sneezing, diarrhoea, vomiting, irritability, restlessness, reoccurring respiratory infections, and much more.

Owners can become very frustrated when trying to figure out the cause of the symptoms. Since your beloved pooch is unable to tell you what is wrong and why, it becomes necessary to use an elimination method to determine the allergen. By identifying the allergen it may be possible to completely remove the agent from the environment of your pet and thus remedy the allergy problem. For instance, if your dog is allergic to corn, feed foods that have no corn in the ingredients. Sometimes, it may be advisable to try allergy testing if the symptoms are severe enough to warrant this type of testing.

An elimination process is simple but lengthy. For those that are unfamiliar with the process allergies to food are an easily illustrated example. Begin by completely removing the current food being eaten. Boil chicken and feed it pain for one week, if the symptoms lessen or disappear, this is a safe food to be fed. Next add rice to the chicken and feed this combination for one week as well, if not reaction these two ingredients are considered safe. Continue adding ingredients to the mix such as potatoes, fish, peas, corn, one at a time and slowly develop a menu that can be used. A veterinarian may also offer a dog food that has been specially developed to address food allergies. This is a basic idea of how an elimination process is completed it can be applied to items in the environment as well.

Whenever you are dealing with dog allergies you need to have a medical plan of action if there is a problem. Keeping Benedryl on hand is an excellent start. This antihistamine can help if there is a situation that your friend gets stung or bitten or has a serious allergic reaction, this is an excellent first step in treatment while transporting to the veterinary clinic. This antihistamine can also be used as palliative care short term. There are prescription medications and over-the-counter drugs that can be used to maintain the dog allergies symptoms a veterinarian is the best resource for dosing and selection of this therapy.

Shampoos with oatmeal have been found to be soothing to the skin. This is a great way to lessen the symptoms as well as remove any allergen that might be caught within the coat. Some owners will shave the coat of canines with long or thick hair, especially during warmer months when they suffer with seasonal allergies.

Allergies can be something that develop with age or disappear with maturity. It differs by each furry friend.

Dogs' allergies will differ from animal to animal, but in most cases the correct dog food and correct nutrition will alleviate the problem

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Proper Considerations When Buying Pet Collars

All of us want to have our own pets but we should make sure that we are aware on how to take care of them particularly when it comes to pet collars. If you want to be more familiar with your pets and you want them to look fashionable, purchase the right collars. These supplies are not that important at first but once you know that they can be useful in training and pet identification, you'll surely buy them. There are great arrays of options for these items although you need to be smart enough in choosing. Selecting is a difficult process for you need to know the proper considerations before you could start shopping. Sometimes, you even need to bring your pet with you so you can see in actual if a collar fits or not.

The first consideration that you need to prioritize is the size of the pet collar. No matter how simple or elegant it is, it won't matter as long as it fits right. You can still revive an old-fashioned collar if you want but if it doesn't fit, it's actually useless. Take accurate measurements of your pets' neck size before you decide on the collars' sizes. Don't just make a wild guess for it won't help you.

Second, why don't you get a popular brand for pet collars instead of trusting the local brands? You need to be wise when shopping for your pets' needs. They too need the right choice of products. You can browse for reviews if you are not aware of the famous brand names. Read helpful reviews, list down the names of collars that are mentioned, see which stores are they sold at, and discover how much you need.

For the third consideration, you need to think of getting quality pet collars. Don't compromise the quality in exchange of small savings. Your pets add fun and color to your life so don't just think that you can give them anything even bands that are low in quality. Treat them well by giving something right and something with quality.

Purchase the right collars for your pets and make them feel that they are being loved. Be careful when placing the bands and try to adjust if you think they are a bit tight or loose. Do not let your pets wear training collars as everyday accessories for these are only used during training to avoid choking and hurting them.

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