GPS Pet Trackers Explained

There is new technology that provides a dog tracking system that is not only easy to use but affordable. This makes it so easy to keep track of any dog from a puppy on up, anytime day or night. It alleviates the stress of having to hunt down a lost pet.

The device uses a global positioning system (GPS) microchip that is small and it easily attaches to the dogs collar. It serves as a communications transmitter. GPS's are the most used navigational devices used in the world.

The GPS transmitter is lightweight attaches easily to a dog's collar and is simple to use. It works as a communication device that interacts with satellites orbiting the world. Those satellites then communicate back to the receiver with data on their location and coordinates. That data enables the receiver to pin point an exact and precise location that the communication was sent from here on Earth. This is the same GPS technology that the United States Air Force has used since 1995.

After the receiver is sent the data from the microchip and translates it by the distance and position of the satellite. It is then able to precisely determine where the location is of the microchip was that sent the signal. Making this device extremely accurate in locating a lost pet.

A dog tracking system will give dog owners piece of mind in a matter of minutes knowing the exact location of their lost pet. Automatically when a dog goes out of it's programmed safety zone an alert is sent to the owner with it's location. When a dog is lost most owners make posters, knock on neighbors doors and search the surrounding areas for their dogs. The GPS device ensures that with in minutes a pet will be found and back home safe and sound.

A pet owner can use the dog tracking system to use a computer or cellular phone to log on to the system and immediately locate their pet any time day or night. If an owner chooses to do so they can set a "safety zone" which limits the distance the pet can go before it alerts the owner. Once the safety Zone has been breached a notification is sent to the pet's owner. Once the alert is obtained from the dog tracking device the owner will log on to the system and retrieve the pets location.

This device is very easy to set up and use. The dog owner has a choice either they can install the product themselves, or they have the option of having a professional come to their home and guide them through the simple process. It only takes a few minutes to attach the microchip to the dogs collar and set the safety zone, if desired.

When the set up process is completed owners have immediate access online or on cell phones twenty four hours a day to see where their dog is. Never again will there be the worry of hunting the neighborhood for a lost dog. Owners will always have a piece of mind that their beloved pet is safe and sound with the use of a dog tracking system.

Anyone who has lost a pet knows how important a dog tracking system can be. If you use a pet gps you can easily recover a missing or stolen pet within minutes! Visit today for more information.

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