My Dog Has Worms, What Do I Do?

If you're a dog owner then, at one time or another, you will have to treat your dog for a worm infestation. These freeloaders are sometimes a mere irritation and at other times a serious health risk. Some merely take nutrients from the food the dog eats, others can cause illness and even death.

Forewarned is forearmed as they say, and in this article we offer advice on the symptoms you should watch out for, and the actions you need to take to rid your dog of worms.

There are actually a number of different worm species that typically affect dogs. Round worms and hookworms are the most common, but there are also pinworms, tapeworms, whipworms and heartworms, to name a few. Many of these species are zoonotic, meaning they can also infest humans, particularly children.

If that's not enough to motivate you to immediate action, consider the serious health risks worms carry for your dog. A worm infestation can result in weight loss, vomiting and diarrhea. In more severe cases they can even damage tissue, and cause major organs to fail.

So what are the symptoms that indicate a worm infestation? The most common signs are, a drop in weight, loss of appetite, coughing, vomiting, diarrhea and lethargy. In addition, the dog may start to display a noticeable "pot belly".

If you notice these symptoms you should take your dog to the vet for an examination, as soon as possible.

The good news is that it's quite easy to get rid of worms. The vet can prescribe something, or you can even use one of the many over-the-counter remedies to eradicate these parasites. Be aware though that these drugs are actually pesticides, and prolonged usage may result in other health problems for your dog.

In recent years a number of companies have released natural de-worming products. These are said to be very effective, without the risks associated with chemicals, so you may want to give them a try.

So far we've only talked about treating your dog after the fact. However, there are things you should be doing to reduce the risk of a worm infestation.

Start by keeping your dog free of fleas, as tapeworm cannot infect your dog without them.

In you live in a heartworm area you should also, definitely, ensure that he gets a preventative. Heartworms are one of the most dangerous dog worm species, and a severe infestation can result in death.

You should also take care to keep your dog's living area clean, and pick up faeces from your yard and garden as soon as you can.

One final point, have a word with your vet before giving any deworming product to your dog, even a natural one. has lots more information about dog worms, including advice on treating tapeworms in dogs.

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So You've Decided to Get a Guinea Pig

Getting a guinea pig is an important decision. Guinea pigs are not toys they are living, loving little creatures that will be joining your family. They make ideal pets for younger children but they do need a little adult supervision to make sure that they are cared for and treated well. Your little piggy could be with you for up to ten years. A healthy, happy pig can live as long as eleven years but they are easily expected to live for over five years.

You'll also have to decide how many pigs you'd like to get. Guinea pigs are social little animals and love company. You'll have to decide if you're going to breed or not. If you're going to get mixed genders your going to have to consider separating them as they breed very readily from a very young age. I would recommend when you first start with guinea pigs that you get two pigs of the same gender and as close to the same age as you can. Two boars as the males are called or two sows will get on very well together especially if they are about the same age. They will quickly work out their place in the pig family and settle down as friends.

You will have to consider how you are going to house your pigs but an in-depth discussion on caging is really subject for another article except to say that guinea pigs do not like the cold and would not do well in an outside cage in a cold winter.. You may find a neighbour or friend has spare pigs from a new litter of pups or you may go to a pet supply to buy them. It is wise to look at the condition of their cage and any other pigs that may be there. A sign of a clean cage is a good indication that the pigs have been looked after well. If there are any sickly looking pigs where you are getting the pigs from you should really consider whether you are going to get healthy pigs yourself.

You may like to consider adopting your new pig. Try local animal shelters or organisations. There are many guinea pig rescue centres around these days and they are always worth checking out. These organisations are run by responsible people who love the animals that they are working with and they are also a good source for advice.

As I said at the start buying a pig is an important decision. I hope you think carefully before you get your piggy and when they come and join with your family relax and enjoy them. They really are interesting little creatures.

John Evans is a lifelong guinea pig lover. For more great information on getting your first guinea pig, visit my website.

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Some Tips for Taking Care of Your Pet Rabbit

One of the most lovable pets to have is a rabbit. It is cute and cuddly, and perfect for anyone who would want to have a low-key kind of pet to have around the house. You don't have to exert too much energy on your part to meet its needs. Having a rabbit though means that you should also be responsible in taking good care of it. Here are some tips that can help you in taking care of your pet rabbit.

First, have it checked with your veterinarian before taking it home. This is important especially if you have small children in your home. At the same time, when you do this, you will know if the rabbit is healthy or not. It is better to know the health condition of your pet so that you will know how to take care of it. You can also ask some tips from your veterinarian on what appropriate food to give for your rabbit.

Rabbits are herbivores. That means they eat plants. There are various kinds of vegetables and fruits that your pet rabbit may like. You can also let them graze because they can eat grass. You can also feed your rabbits with pellets. Pet stores sell these kinds, just ask the right kind of pellets to give based on your rabbit's age. Don't forget to have a bowl of water for them because rabbits can get thirsty as well.

Unlike cats or dogs, rabbits prefer to have their own shelter. They are more comfortable in it. This is why it is important that you have a rabbit hutch for your pet rabbit. Rabbit hutches are designed like a rabbit's natural habitat. It is an ideal home for rabbits because they love to have their own space. It is better that they have their space to sleep, eat and do other things without being distracted. It is important that you place the hutch outside your home and to keep it clean all the time.

Like any other types of pets, rabbits need exercise too. But you don't have to walk them to do that. Just let them loose in your backyard, but make sure to close your gate first so they can not escape. You can just let them play around. You can also have some rabbit toys for them to enjoy.

These are tips that you can try when you have a pet rabbit. Remember, it is your responsibility to take care of your pet and it is important that you do it the right way. You don't have to spend too much money on taking care of your pet rabbit because you can get inexpensive things for them. Just ask around from your friends or your veterinarian.

David D. Warren enjoys writing for The Rabbit Hutch Shop which sells rabbit hutch and rabbit hutches as well as a host of additional products.

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10 Tips on How to Keep Your Pet Safe at Halloween

Halloween is an awesome part of the year, when everybody gets to have fun pretending to be whomever or whatever they want, show off their creativity, and gather with friends for a spooky good time. This is not even to mention the treat of seeing little kids and pets dressed up... and the candy! Who can forget the candy?

While the celebration is going on, however, there are some things to remember in order to keep pets happy and healthy during all the hoopla.

1. Most important of any Halloween tip: Don't feed Fido or Fluffy any candy! Chocolate especially is poisonous to animals, but any sugary treat can be dangerous and make your pet sick. It's not just the candy itself you need to watch out for, either - the wrappers can cause choking and digestive problems. It's important to make sure kids understand this too. It's only natural they want to share their loot with their best friend!

2. Keep your pet away from seasonal produce such as pumpkin and corn -they may not kill your pet, but they can cause serious stomach upset as well.

3. it's a good idea to keep your pet in a quiet, comfortable room away from the front door during trick or treating hours. Pets can become nervous or frightened by the noise and excitement, or all the strangers appearing at their door. They may try to escape or even bite in such confusing circumstances! Better to let them relax somewhere else in the house, or even crate them with their favorite blanket and toy.

4. If you use some of the imaginative and cool electric decorations out there, make sure the cords and plugs are secured away from your pet's nosy mouths and paws.

5. If you decide to dress up your furry baby, be careful about the costume. Make sure there are no toxic colors or materials, and that the outfit doesn't bind your pet, cut into their skin, give them something to chew on, or choke them. Keep an eye on pets the entire time they're dressed up to be certain they don't get tangled.

6. It's not recommended that you take your pet out in the chaos of Halloween. However, if you do decide to take your pet trick or treating with you, keep them securely on a leash and be certain their ID tags are well-attached and updated just in case. Another important safety tip is to use reflective tape on your dog's collar and costume. If they get off the leash, they will still be visible to drivers in the dark, and accidents can be avoided.

7. If you have a dark cat, especially a black one, keep them in the house. If at all possible in the days and weeks leading up to Halloween. Be extra careful on the night itself - some people play cruel tricks on black cats around this night. It's probably best to have all pets remain inside on Halloween, just to be careful.

8. Keep pets away from candlelit decorations such as jack-lanterns-and skulls. Put them somewhere high up and secure so they won't be knocked over and start a fire or burn your pet.

9. If you throw an adult party where alcohol is being served, alert your guests that you don't want your pet to be given any booze. Even the smallest amount can be extremely toxic. Again, the best choice might be to keep them in a separate room away from guests.

10. If you're wearing a costume, be careful of things your pet might lick, eat, or get on themselves like makeup or other toxic materials.

While Halloween is a howl-owicious holiday, it also holds many hidden dangers for your animal best friends. Keep these guidelines in mind when managing your festivities on that night, and everyone will get to have a great time!

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Secrets To Training An Older Dog

There was a time when someone wanting to adopt a dog almost always went for a puppy. These days though, it's just as common for a prospective dog owner to adopt an adolescent or fully grown dog from the local dog shelter.

As a dog lover, I applaud this trend and hope that it continues to gain momentum, but it does create some new problems. The main one is the behavior and temperament of the adopted dog. With a puppy you know what you're getting, with an older dog behaviors are already ingrained and may include serious problems, like aggression.

In many cases, the dog soon finds himself back at the pound, and the owner is left with guilt and regret. But it doesn't have to come to this because, with the right method, consistently applied, just about any dog can be trained.

Before you begin with training though, there are two beliefs you need to eradicate. The first is that the dog needs, or deserves, your pity.

Many of these dogs have unfortunate, heart-breaking and even tragic backgrounds. Some have been abused and neglected. They deserve your love, patience and affection. But they don't need, nor want, your pity.

Dogs have an infinite capacity for forgiveness, so address your attention towards creating a home where the dog feels safe and to providing consistent but kind leadership, and gentle training.

The other misconception is that negative training methods are needed to control "difficult" dogs. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Most of these methods, which include things like shock collars and choke chains, have been proven to be ineffective for dog training, and no reputable dog trainer uses them.

No only that, but they can be dangerous. You may be dealing with a dog that was previously abused by these methods, and if so, they dog may well attack you. This treatment of a previously abused dog may also cause other behavioral problems, so there really is no dividend in negative training methods. Just don't do it.

How then, should you approach training an older dog? Well, for starters, appreciate that dogs are receptive to learning at any age. Start with the basics - crate training, and house training (if needed), then move on to basic obedience work. Above all keep it positive and reward-based.

Be mindful that your results will be less predictable than if you were training a puppy, and that you'll need tons of patience and persistence.

Also bear in mind that not all dogs are as easy to train as others. Many factors come into play, such as breed, age and state of health. With an adopted dog there is also the issue of an unknown past life which may have left the dog traumatized and fearful.

But with persistent application you will succeed. Need a role model? Well Frank Inn, the famous Hollywood dog trainer found virtually all his star performers (including Higgins, the dog who played Benji), at dog shelters.

If you've just brought a dog into your life and are looking for a unique dog name, has thousands of the very best male dog names, and female dog names on the web.

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Your Dog Won't Listen? Try These Tips For Maximum Success

Use cheese as a treat when you are training your canine companion. Cheese is nice change of pace for your dog from packaged treats. Dogs typically love cheese and will consider it a fine treat. Do not overdo it though, cheese can have a high sodium content. Your dog could be sensitive to this.

Young puppies are prone to chewing on their owners belongings. You can address this problem by immediately stopping your puppy if he chews an inappropriate item, and instead give him toys he is allowed to chew. Praise your dog anytime you finding him chewing a permitted toy. Remaining consistent with this training method can save your favorite furniture or pair of shoes.

Never yell at a barking dog. While a barking dog is sure to raise your frustration level, resist the urge to yell at them. Dogs do not understand that you are yelling at them, and often associate your raised voice as you joining in the fun of barking. If your dog is barking, calmly distract them with a toy or treat, and when the barking stops, give them their prize.

Check with your community management's pet policy. Pet lover families can be in trouble when moving from a home with a generous pet policy to a place where no pets are allowed. Move to a place where the pet policy allows you to keep your family friends. Don't give them up just because the first place you find has a no pet policy.

Make sure you are not reinforcing an unwanted behavior. You don't want to give your dog treats or special attention during training if they're not performing the task properly. If you do, then they'll think you're pleased and continue to do things the way they're doing them and won't improve.

If your dog suffers from separation anxiety, an easy way to train them out of it is to avoid giving them attention immediately before and after you leave. It may seem mean to the dog if you don't say goodbye before you leave, but those long goodbye cuddles just give the dog a chance to get worked up.

When training your dog to deal with its fear or anxiety related behaviors, go slow. Responding to a fear or anxiety response with aggression only leads to more fear and even mistrust. Take your time and give your dog the opportunity to succeed. He will grow in confidence and reduce fear induced behaviors.

A clicker and a few treats can be a very effective method of training your dog. Because a clicker can be easier for a dog to understand than a voice command, lessons can be quick and productive. Training sessions should not be longer than about fifteen minutes, since dogs do have short attention spans.

For similar articles, check out Glucosamine in Dogs today. Be sure to also to read about Diarrhea in Dogs for even more information.

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GPS Pet Trackers Explained

There is new technology that provides a dog tracking system that is not only easy to use but affordable. This makes it so easy to keep track of any dog from a puppy on up, anytime day or night. It alleviates the stress of having to hunt down a lost pet.

The device uses a global positioning system (GPS) microchip that is small and it easily attaches to the dogs collar. It serves as a communications transmitter. GPS's are the most used navigational devices used in the world.

The GPS transmitter is lightweight attaches easily to a dog's collar and is simple to use. It works as a communication device that interacts with satellites orbiting the world. Those satellites then communicate back to the receiver with data on their location and coordinates. That data enables the receiver to pin point an exact and precise location that the communication was sent from here on Earth. This is the same GPS technology that the United States Air Force has used since 1995.

After the receiver is sent the data from the microchip and translates it by the distance and position of the satellite. It is then able to precisely determine where the location is of the microchip was that sent the signal. Making this device extremely accurate in locating a lost pet.

A dog tracking system will give dog owners piece of mind in a matter of minutes knowing the exact location of their lost pet. Automatically when a dog goes out of it's programmed safety zone an alert is sent to the owner with it's location. When a dog is lost most owners make posters, knock on neighbors doors and search the surrounding areas for their dogs. The GPS device ensures that with in minutes a pet will be found and back home safe and sound.

A pet owner can use the dog tracking system to use a computer or cellular phone to log on to the system and immediately locate their pet any time day or night. If an owner chooses to do so they can set a "safety zone" which limits the distance the pet can go before it alerts the owner. Once the safety Zone has been breached a notification is sent to the pet's owner. Once the alert is obtained from the dog tracking device the owner will log on to the system and retrieve the pets location.

This device is very easy to set up and use. The dog owner has a choice either they can install the product themselves, or they have the option of having a professional come to their home and guide them through the simple process. It only takes a few minutes to attach the microchip to the dogs collar and set the safety zone, if desired.

When the set up process is completed owners have immediate access online or on cell phones twenty four hours a day to see where their dog is. Never again will there be the worry of hunting the neighborhood for a lost dog. Owners will always have a piece of mind that their beloved pet is safe and sound with the use of a dog tracking system.

Anyone who has lost a pet knows how important a dog tracking system can be. If you use a pet gps you can easily recover a missing or stolen pet within minutes! Visit today for more information.

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The Joys of Guinea Pig Breeding

If you'd like to breed your own guinea pigs it's really easy and there is not too much to worry about.

Female guinea pigs can start having babies when they are as young as four weeks. Male pigs are sexually able to make the sow pregnant from as young as twenty four days so it is best to make sure you separate your boys and girls when the little boars are twenty one days old.

Although sows can breed from an early age it is better to wait until the sow is at least three to four months old and weighs at least 16 ounces or 400 grams. Four to five months would be the preferable age before you start breeding. If you are going to start breeding it is better to do this so that the sow's first litter is born before the mother reaches the age of eight months because if her first litter is born after she has reached eight months there could be serious complications.

A female pig's heat cycle, her oestrus, is about sixteen days but she will only be interested in dallying with the male for about eight hours of this and at other times will reject his advances. They won't hurt each other and the easiest way to make sure that everything is right is to just leave them together over this period until you are sure that they have mated.

The gestation period for your guinea pig is between 8 to 10 weeks, from 59 to 73 days. So you are going to have to wait a little time after there has been a mating before there are any pups. You will certainly know when the female is pregnant as she will change shape and become noticeable rounder as the pups develop inside her. While the female is pregnant you should make sure that she has adequate vitamin C in her diet. Dandelion leaves and brussels sprouts are very rich in vitamin C and have much more vitamin C than oranges. You can give your piggy some orange as well though and even one or two strawberries if you have them.

Mothers normally produce three to four pups but they can produce as many as seven or as few as one. You might like to spend this time trying to find nice homes for them, Remember some people who say that they would like one of the babies may change their minds so it is always worth while having a few extra people ready to take them on.

Make sure that you move the sow into a nursery area before she gives birth. Sows can become pregnant again very quickly after giving birth and her is always a possibility of the young pups being stepped on by one of the older pigs.

Enjoy the birth of your young puppies and your new family.

John Evans is a lifelong guinea pig lover. For more great information, visit my website.

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