Pets and Air Filters

Pet owners face significant challenges to maintaining good indoor air quality both for the human and pet population of the home. Just as humans can be allergic to pet hair and pet dander, the opposite can also be true. Pets are especially prone to poor indoor air quality caused by pollutants from paint, carpets, insulation, and construction materials.

Reducing the Discomforts of Pet-Related Allergies

Where allergies to pets are concerned, logic states to remove the causes of the allergens. Telling pet owners to remove beloved pets from the home is like telling them to give up their children. It is not an option. There are steps to take to reduce the discomforts of pet allergies.

Designate Pet Living Spaces

Pets should be given one or two rooms in which to live. Under no circumstances should the pet be allowed in the bedroom of the allergy sufferer. The bedroom is where a person spends most of his time in the home, so it is important to keep the indoor air quality of this room as free as possible of pet allergens.

Frequent Surface Cleaning

Indoor air quality can be improved by frequent dusting, vacuuming, and mopping with products aimed at trapping particles that can be removed from the home such as throwing away or laundering the pads. Vacuum bags need to be changed frequently. Fabrics including drapes, bedding, rugs need frequent washing and outdoor shaking to remove pet hair and dander.

Change Air Filters Regularly

The home central heating and air conditioning systems need to be maintained on a regular schedule for efficiency-and that includes regularly changing the air filters. When pets are present, air filters need to be changed more frequently than suggested. Top quality filters should be used. These are the pleated kind. Quality filters will help prevent the recirculation of pet allergens and pollutants into other rooms and control pet odors.

Select the Right Kinds of Air Filters

Indoor air quality can be significantly improved with the addition of individual high quality air filters installed in pet rooms and the rooms frequented by allergy sufferers. Shop around for the best models at prices that fit your budget. There are air filters that are designed especially for cats, birds, and dogs.

Humans, dogs, and cats shed their fur or hair and produce ample amounts of dander (dead skin cells). These are the most frequent causes of allergies especially for asthma sufferers. Installing high quality air conditioner filters will improve the indoor air quality. Quality filters will take out airborne particles. The higher the quality, the better able the air filter to handle the more minute particles. The saliva of dogs and cats become part of the airborne particles that cause allergic reactions. Selecting quality filters that also handle suspended saliva molecules will greatly improve indoor air quality.

Pet birds present a challenge due to the way their feathers interlock. The dander of pet birds is released as a cloud of very fine dust particles when they shake their feathers. Air filters are available to handle these finer particles.

Managing Indoor Air Quality

Indoor air quality management depends on regularly changing air filters. Quality filters will remove finer particles of pollutants, saliva, hair, and dander. Regular laundering of fabrics as well as dusting and vacuuming will reduce large volumes of allergens that settle. Regular pet brushing and grooming will also reduce airborne particles. Pets and air filters are a must for harmonious cohabitation with allergy sufferers.

Terry Edeker is a partner is ( ), LLC, an online air filter distribution company. Terry is a brand development and entrepreneurship specialist with Pixallure Design and has with over 25 years experience in the field of marketing, branding, advertising, and communications.

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