Dog Breed Profile: The Akita Inu

The noble Akita Inu is an impressive dog. These large, dignified animals are so revered in their native Japan that they are considered national monuments, and owning one is said to bring good luck.

The breed takes its name from the Akita Prefecture, the mountainous region where it originated. They were originally hunting dogs, used to track elk, boar and especially the fierce, grizzly-sized, Yezo bear.

Helen Keller was responsible for bringing the first of these dogs to the US, when she received two Akita as a gift in 1937. The Akita Club of America was established in 1956, and worked towards AKC recognition for the breed. This was granted in 1973.

These magnificent dogs stand 22 to 27 inches tall and can weigh as much as 125 pounds. The coat is thick and comes in several colors including brindle, red, fawn, sesame and white. They shed a medium amount of hair, although heavy shedding occurs twice yearly.

Other defining features are a large head with fox-like features, and a thick, plumed tail that sweeps over the back.

These are generally healthy dogs with an average lifespan of 10-14 years. However, like all purebred dogs they are prone to a number of diseases, including hypothyroid disease, progressive retinal atrophy and hip and kidney problems.

These are very loyal and highly protective dogs. They bond strongly with their family, and are generally good with children and tolerant of other pets. They are known to have a trademark greeting when welcoming their owners. This involves a lot of squirming about and making happy grunting sounds.

They are also highly intelligent and therefore easy to train, although they can be strong willed. An Akita does not suffer fools lightly, and if you want to succeed, you'll have to earn his trust and respect.

The Akita is a calm, self-confident dog, not demanding of attention or exercise. However, you will have to walk your dog every day if you want to keep him to his ideal weight.

Their high intelligence does mean that they bore easily. This can become a problem if they are not given regular physical and mental activity. They can become destructive and aggressive if they are bored, so training, early socialization, and a regular exercise regime are a must with this breed.

Don't let that deter you from considering an Akita as a family pet though, because they are truly wonderful dogs.

Puppy Names HQ has 1000's of unique dog names. Find the ideal name for your Akita with categorized boy dog names and girl dog names.

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How to Take a Pet's Pawprint: 6 Tips for Success

Pawprints taken from our cherished dogs and cats can be used in artistic ways these days, from artwork on holiday cards to 14K gold pawprint keepsake charms. Capturing a pet's pawprints provides a sweet and memorable way to pay tribute to your dog or cat. In this article, I hope to help you learn how to take a good paw print, that can be used and cherished now, as well and perhaps even moreso after your 4-legged companion has passed away.

The shape, size, and angle of each pets toes or "pads" gives them some of their distinct personality. Interestingly, dogs and cats have different numbers of toes. Dogs have 4 toes on each foot, with a larger pad at the bottom which is called the "heel" pad. Cats have 5 toes on their front paws and 4 on their back, with one larger heel pad on each paw. To begin with, examine your pet's paws to look for any unique characteristics that you want to be sure to capture when taking the pawprint.

To take the print, first, prepare your workspace, having white or ivory paper available along with a standard ink pad (darker ink colors are best, like black, blue, or purple. You may wish to tape the paper or index card down onto the table or floor, so that it doesn't slip when you're making the print.

Second, clean your pet's paw or paws with a damp cloth. You may wish to have a 2nd damp cloth or paper towels on hand for cleaning your pet's pads after the session is over.

Third, if there is hair growing up between its toe pads, and if your pet will allow it, trim that hair. It's important that the hair between the pads isn't actually covering the pads or you won't get a clean, clear print!

Fourth, using the ink pad, gently tap the ink pad on to the paw 2 or 3 times, so that the ink is lightly covering the paw's pads.

Fifth, press your pet's paw gently on to the paper. You may want to try practicing by making a few prints on a piece of paper or index card. Once you're happy with the practice prints, re-ink the paw and make fresh prints on clean paper.

Lastly, gently clean the paw pads using a damp towel or cloth.

The variety of ways that paw prints can be used is growing with each passing month. I especially like framed pawprints, silver or gold pawprint charms, pet garden memorial stones, and pet scrapbooks, all widely available on-line.

Having captured your pet's pawprints truly helps keep their memory alive. Happy printing!

Anna Graham is the owner of Tear Catcher Gifts, a Montana based company dedicated to offering gifts with symbolic or historic meaning. Tear Catcher offers a selection of unique pet gift products for the contemporary gift market, as well as other meaningful gifts of emotion such as tear bottles, blessings bowls, fingerprint charms, and prayer box jewelry.

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Purchasing The Right Dog Beds For Your Pets

Purchasing the best dog beds for your dog is a must. You have to understand that most dogs sleep at around 14 hours a day, and if you let them sleep in a bed that is less comfortable than they might not be able to get the rest that they need. You should also make sure that the bed is suitable for the age, size and sleeping habits of your dogs. With the many different kinds of beds that you can see in the market, it pays that you are well-educated in knowing the difference of a good quality one from bad ones.

To begin with, you have to understand that dog beds should have a simple style. You don't have to settle with those that are very attractive for what your dog really needs is something that is comfortable. Be sure that the bed is washable too. If you purchase those that are with a great deal of cushioning and other styles you will surely have a hard time washing it. Moreover, the bed should also be easy to get in and out of; make sure that it would be easier for your dog to step on it during those times that it needs to sleep.

Now, as times goes by your dear little puppy will soon become a large dog and you need to be sure that you also purchase larger dog beds for it. Never ever feel like you are wasting your money in purchasing a new bed for at the end of the day it is the comfort of your dear pet that matters the most. Alternately, you can try to check inexpensive beds for your puppy, so that when the times comes that you have to replace it, you need not spend a lot of money. It is also best that you purchase one with washable covers on it. The best thing about using washable covers is that when the time comes that it starts to be smelly, you can simply wash the cover without washing the entire bed.

Lastly, as you purchase dog beds, you should consider the numerous styles but never sacrifice the comfort and the styles that come with it. It is best that you also live within your means, so you have to check those that are within your budget. In order for you to get less expensive beds for your pet you can simply check it through online stores.

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Best Bird Air Cleaners - 5 Features That Make Them Better

Pet birds needs clean air to stay healthy. And in captivity they count on their owners to provide it. The right air purifier can continually keep the air clear. Here are 5 features that the best air purifier for the job should have.

Oxygen As The Only By-Product - The EPA (Environmental Protection Agency), which incidentally is housed in a magnificent building in Washington DC across from the Smithsonian, has determined that any amount of ozone produced indoors is harmful to life.

And the ozone levels that an air purifier would have to emit to remove pollutants would need to be so high that it would have deadly consequences. Be sure to check that the only by-product that your cleaner produces is fresh clean air.

24-Hour Operating Capability - Since dust, dander, feathers seed dust, and other particles that your bird produces go airborne around the clock, the air needs to be filtered 24 hours each day too. Unless the air is filtered continually particulates will build to a hazardous level. In order to be able to trust a unit to run safely 24 hours a day without needing a rest, it must have a motor that is built to operate all the time..

A permanent split capacitor motor is a must have for an effective unit. It should be rated for continuous high revolutions per minute (RPM) and long life duty. This allows the air to be continually filtered while you are there or away. So your bird can continue to breathe clean air regardless of your schedule..

Multiple Filters --- The pollutants in the air that result both from normal living and from owning a bird are both gaseous and particulate in nature. Some filters are better at removing particles, others gases. Having your cleaner include both types of filters will remove all types.

HEPA or high efficiency particle arresting filters are best at particle removal. By definition this type of filter must remove 99,997 out of every 10,000 particles that are.3 microns or larger. And a micron is defined as one millionth of a meter which is way smaller than the period at the end of this sentence.

Carbon is renown for its ability to eliminate gaseous pollutants. These include cooking odors, chemicals from cleaning products as well as scents from personal and household products. Birds' respiratory systems are incredibly sensitive, and being able to remove these pollutants can literally save their lives.. A unit that contains carbon cloth obviously offers the best of both worlds---removal of gases because it is carbon-based and enhanced ability to removal particles because it is a cloth.

Multiple Filtration Speeds --- When you or your avian friend stir up dust and odor you need a cleaner that can step up the rate of filtration. A unit that can filter the air at different speeds means that it can effectively respond to the situation and clear the air minimizing the amount of pollutants available to be inhaled. This is an important feature to have.

Low Maintenance --- A purifier that does not require frequent filter changes saves you time and money. Look closely at the technical specifications of any cleaner you are considering. If it requires filter changes every 6 months or yearly. Leave it where it is.

A high maintenance unit costs you time and money. The air is also not being filtered if the unit needs constant maintenance, and that defeats the purpose of filtering the air. A cleaner that is low maintenance and has a filter life of 5 years will serve you and your bird well without hidden costs and huge investments of time from you.

Give your bird the gift of clean air with the best air purifier for birds that is both safe and effective. See the Bird Dust Air purifier offered by now at

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Pets and Air Filters

Pet owners face significant challenges to maintaining good indoor air quality both for the human and pet population of the home. Just as humans can be allergic to pet hair and pet dander, the opposite can also be true. Pets are especially prone to poor indoor air quality caused by pollutants from paint, carpets, insulation, and construction materials.

Reducing the Discomforts of Pet-Related Allergies

Where allergies to pets are concerned, logic states to remove the causes of the allergens. Telling pet owners to remove beloved pets from the home is like telling them to give up their children. It is not an option. There are steps to take to reduce the discomforts of pet allergies.

Designate Pet Living Spaces

Pets should be given one or two rooms in which to live. Under no circumstances should the pet be allowed in the bedroom of the allergy sufferer. The bedroom is where a person spends most of his time in the home, so it is important to keep the indoor air quality of this room as free as possible of pet allergens.

Frequent Surface Cleaning

Indoor air quality can be improved by frequent dusting, vacuuming, and mopping with products aimed at trapping particles that can be removed from the home such as throwing away or laundering the pads. Vacuum bags need to be changed frequently. Fabrics including drapes, bedding, rugs need frequent washing and outdoor shaking to remove pet hair and dander.

Change Air Filters Regularly

The home central heating and air conditioning systems need to be maintained on a regular schedule for efficiency-and that includes regularly changing the air filters. When pets are present, air filters need to be changed more frequently than suggested. Top quality filters should be used. These are the pleated kind. Quality filters will help prevent the recirculation of pet allergens and pollutants into other rooms and control pet odors.

Select the Right Kinds of Air Filters

Indoor air quality can be significantly improved with the addition of individual high quality air filters installed in pet rooms and the rooms frequented by allergy sufferers. Shop around for the best models at prices that fit your budget. There are air filters that are designed especially for cats, birds, and dogs.

Humans, dogs, and cats shed their fur or hair and produce ample amounts of dander (dead skin cells). These are the most frequent causes of allergies especially for asthma sufferers. Installing high quality air conditioner filters will improve the indoor air quality. Quality filters will take out airborne particles. The higher the quality, the better able the air filter to handle the more minute particles. The saliva of dogs and cats become part of the airborne particles that cause allergic reactions. Selecting quality filters that also handle suspended saliva molecules will greatly improve indoor air quality.

Pet birds present a challenge due to the way their feathers interlock. The dander of pet birds is released as a cloud of very fine dust particles when they shake their feathers. Air filters are available to handle these finer particles.

Managing Indoor Air Quality

Indoor air quality management depends on regularly changing air filters. Quality filters will remove finer particles of pollutants, saliva, hair, and dander. Regular laundering of fabrics as well as dusting and vacuuming will reduce large volumes of allergens that settle. Regular pet brushing and grooming will also reduce airborne particles. Pets and air filters are a must for harmonious cohabitation with allergy sufferers.

Terry Edeker is a partner is ( ), LLC, an online air filter distribution company. Terry is a brand development and entrepreneurship specialist with Pixallure Design and has with over 25 years experience in the field of marketing, branding, advertising, and communications.

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A Healthy Guinea Pig Is a Happy Guinea Pig

Guinea pigs can be very healthy little animals and this article is not intended to make you think that they often fall sick. I have been keeping and raising guinea pigs now for many years. I am a firm believer that a sound nutrition and a healthy and happy environment is an excellent way of making sure that your piggys have a better than average chance of keeping good health.

There are numerous ailments that can affect your pigs but a lot of these illnesses and conditions can be treated quite adequately yourself at home. It is always handy to have a friendly vet that you can call on if you have to. Check with your vet and see if you can assess his outlook towards small animals like pigs. Ask at your local pet shop or guinea pig club to see if there is a vet that is recommended to look after your pigs. You might even be lucky enough to have a guinea pig rescue station in your area and they would definitely know of a vet they would recommend.

Things that you should watch for regularly is the length of your pigs claws or nails. If you have hard rough surfaces in their cage then this will help wear their nails down and keep their nails short. Make sure that there are plenty of safe things that the pigs can chew. You can buy little wooden toys from the pet supplies that your pigs will chew and this will help to keep their teeth from growing too long. Guinea pigs will enjoy playing with and chewing the cardboard roll centres from kitchen paper or toilet rolls.

To treat small wounds try bathing the wound with some warm water in which you have dissolved three or four teaspoons of salt. This brine solution will not hurt your piggy and will help cleanse and seal minor wounds and acts as a natural antibiotic. A little hydrogen peroxide may also be used if you have it handy. Hydrogen peroxide is also useful for treating minor abscesses that may affect your pig.

Take care when handling your injured pig if they have been injured. Guinea pigs don't really like stress but if you wrap them up fairly firmly in a towel you can hold them without their struggling to much and they won't injure themselves or get too stressed.

With good care, good nutrition and a good general environment your piggys will live a long and happy life.

John Evans is a lifelong guinea pig lover. For more great guinea pig health information, visit my website.

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Dog Food: Why Quality Counts

A lot of dog owners don't pay enough attention to the food they give their dogs. Often they'll just take whatever is available on the supermarket shelves, not bothering to check the ingredients on the label. If they did check the label they'd be shocked by some of the things these products contain, ingredients that can actually be harmful to a dog.

Not only that, but in many cases buying cheap is actually a false economy, as I'll explain later. For now, lets just concentrate on ways to select a healthy, good quality dog food for your dog.

Dogs are omnivores and require both meat and vegetables in their diet. The ratio between the two should be about 50/50 with no additional fillers. How do you know if a particular brand of kibble meets this requirement? You read the label.

Unfortunately, labeling can be confusing, perhaps deliberately so. But here's a quick and easy way to cut through the misinformation.

Check out the first 5 ingredients listed. If they are protein-based ingredients from meat, chances are the product will fulfill your dog's nutritional requirements, if they are grain based, chances are it won't.

It's not that grains are bad for your dog, just that they are better fed whole. Grains like rice, millet, oats and barley are actually a rich source of fiber, but the grains contained in dry dog food are primarily there as filler, and contain minimal nutritional value.

The other thing to be aware of are artificial flavorings and colors. Some of these are chemical based and may be a contributing factor towards diseases like cancer. The same goes for preservatives, rather choose a product that uses natural preservatives, for example vitamins C and E.

Checking labels can be tedious, but there's a much easier way to ensure that the dog food you buy is giving your dog the optimum nutrition he needs. Just buy a premium or super-premium, vet approved dog food brand.

Now you may look at the price tag on some of these products and think, "no way am I paying that for dog food!" If that's your initial reaction, I don't blame you. They can seem prohibitively expensive. But what if I were to tell you that they can actually save you money? Here's how.

With a cheap brand you have to feed your dog much more to deliver the same nutritional punch. And because the ingredients are sub-standard they create all kinds of problems, from obesity to skin allergies, to more serious diseases. These, of course, require veterinary treatment, which in the case of serious ailments can run to thousands of dollars.

Feeding a premium brand means you can feed smaller quantities, so that expensive brand of kibble last longer and also passes quality nutrition to your dog. Your dog will also pass less waste, so there's less for you to pick up!

Hopefully this article has illustrated why you should always feed your dog the best dog food you can afford. But quite aside from the health benefits, your dog deserves it.

At you'll find advice on dog nutrition, plus dog training tips, breeds of dogs and lots more.

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That Case of Pet Diarrhea Could Be Due To Giardia

As all pet owners know, parasites such as fleas, ticks, mites or heartworm are a constant threat to dogs and cats. The reason is simple. Unlike humans that live a very hygienic life, our pets, particularly those are frequently outdoors, are frequently exposed to sources of infection and infestation. This includes a threat that causes approximately 15% of diarrhea cases in puppies, kittens and older pets. The threat is called giardia and it is found in lakes, streams, standing water and other areas that have been contaminated by feces that contain giardia cysts.

The giardia protozoa is passed by pet to pet when feces or feces contaminated water is ingested. The giardia travel in cysts that protect the infection during transport. The protozoa are shed in cysts as well as the population grows inside the dog. When these cysts enter your pet's body, they enter the intestines where they cling to the walls and colonize. As the giardia population grows, it draws nutrients from your dog or cat, causing diarrhea, weigh toss, vomiting and lethargy. The most common symptom is diarrhea. It is rare to see blood and diarrhea mixed together.

When presented with these symptoms, a veterinarian will seek to eliminate other possible causes of gastrointestinal distress. if they suspect giardia, they will test the feces and look for any cysts that have been shed from the body. If tests prove positive, the veterinarian will prescribe a prescription medication such as Flagylis or Metronidazole. These result in an elimination of protozoa in the intestines and will keep additional cysts from being shed.

Most dogs that have the giardia will be asymptomatic or show no symptoms. If a veterinarian diagnoses giardia in an asymptomatic dog or cat, no treatment is necessary,. That said there may be circumstances where it is called for, such as to eliminate possible exposure to other animals.

Which leads to prevention. They key to avoiding this disease starts with providing a dog or cat only fresh water to drink. Avoid any body of water outdoors. If your dog frequently visits the kennel, make sure that is it kept clean. Sometimes giardia cannot be avoided, such as in other places that dogs frequently visit such as a dog run or park.

Giardia is host specific, so passing giardia from dog or cat to human is not considered a risk. There are rare cases when human giardia has been passed to a pet. More study is needed on inter-species risk.

Jeff Grill is an editor and publisher of the Dog Health Guide, a source of additional information on giardia. The author also recommends the Cat Health Guide for information on See this site for more information on giardia in cats.

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