Choosing a Pet Urn When Its Time to Say Goodbye to Your Pet

Often times, people choose not to have their pets put down until it's far too late. Their pets usually end up suffering because we don't have the ability to let go. Most of the time, it is because of misinformation or because we just don't know better. We are always in shock because we weren't expecting them to go even though we knew they were on their way to passing. Missing the signs of a dying pet is a problem that many of us fail to see.

After taking in your pet to the veterinarian or animal hospital, we are told of a small problem that is harmless to our pet and think that they are just down because of that. Then we find the tragic news after they aren't getting better or they suddenly pass on that our pet was really terminally ill. When this happens, we always ask the obvious questions of why me and how could this have happened when they were well. These are all comforting things we tell ourselves because underneath it all, we already knew that our pet wasn't going to make it. After they pass on, we must make the even harder decision of what to do with them.

While burying your pet in the backyard has been a popular option for many years, pet cremation is now the newest trend. This gives families the option to keep their beloved pet close to them in a pet urn of your choosing so that you can always have them close to you and you can remember them every time you look at their urn sitting on the mantel.

When you choose an urn for your pet, it is important that you choose something that is appropriate for your needs. While nobody can tell you what to get based on likes and dislikes, making sure that the pet urn you choose for your family is important. It should the same amount of cubic inches of ash that your pet weighed, for instance; 12 cubic inches for a 12 pound dog.

Some of these pet urns are created as memory boxes and have space enough for pictures on the outside of the urn and room for your pet's favorite items such as leashes, toys and other trinkets that you don't feel that you can get rid of. Another option you have for a cremation urn is a traditional pet urn that looks like an ornate vase with a lid. No matter which you choose, make sure it is right for you. This is what you are going to see every time you remember your pet.

The author of this article is an industry expert. To learn more about pet urns or to view their selection, please visit their website

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