Neutering and Spaying Your Pets

When it comes to spaying or neutering a domesticated creature there is often a lot of confusion as to why the process is advantageous and not an inhumane, horrible experience to impose on an animal. This article is going to talk through reasons on why this course of action is a positive and caring one.

There is currently a companion animal overpopulation crisis in the U.K. Whilst shelters are trying their absolute best to house unwanted pets or strays; there just isn't enough room for them all. Healthy cats and dogs are put down every single day as there are not enough homes to place them in. Some do not make it to the shelters and so die in less humane ways such as exposure to the elements, a slow starvation, disease or even outright cruelty. Whilst the crowded shelters, in part, may be a result of the increasingly difficult economic situation some animal owners find themselves in, it is largely due to not enough of these animals being spayed or neutered.

Once a female cat or dog is spayed they have essentially been surgically sterilised. This is done by removing the ovaries, uterus and oviduct. It is best to have this done around the age of 4 to 6 months. In addition to helping decrease the chances of producing unwanted pets it has a number of health benefits. It eliminates the heat cycle and so will stop unneutered males from trying to mate with your female. In addition, it will lessen the urge for your four-legged-friend to roam too far, which in turn will lower the chance of your animal becoming injured or contracting a disease. Furthermore, reduction of sexual discomfort and distress will be diminished and the complications that can arise with pregnancy will be non-existent.

Neutering a male pet is the surgical sterilisation achieved by removing the testicles (again, this should be done around the 4 to 6 month mark). This is largely beneficial as it helps to fade behavioural problems (such as being destructive, aggressive and gaining the urge to fight) that a male can often display whilst looking for a mate. It will also remove any chance of the development of testicular cancer and greatly reduce any problems concerning the animal's prostate gland.

There are often worries and concerns that if a female canine or feline does not bear at least one litter before being spayed then she will not mature properly and her health maybe affected. This is not the case and in fact it will take away the possibility of her developing uterine or ovarian cancer whilst greatly reducing the threat of mammary cancer.

Many owners maintain that if their pet produces a litter of kittens or puppies then they will find homes for them all. The point that humane societies, shelters and rescue groups are trying to stress is that those homes could be going to the cats or dogs at the shelters and rescue centres whom may face being put-down as a result of over-population.

We here at Animal Friends are strongly for spaying and neutering as it is a lot safer for the pet's health in the long-run and also helps to curtail aggressive and destructive tendencies.

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