What Do I Do With My Pet's Remains?

I had not thought about what I would do with my pet once he passed. I found out he had cancer and within two months he was gone. When the veterinarian asked me what I wanted to do with him, I had not thought about it. My focus had been so much on him getting sick and making his last days the best that making this decision never crossed my mind. I did not even know I had options.

I sat in the veterinarian's office, numb from sadness and heartbreak and now I had to decide what I was going to do with his body? It was not until that moment that I even knew what my options were. You have the options of taking the body and burying it in your yard, you could have them cremated with other pets or you could have them cremated by themselves. Then the final option is just simply let the veterinarian take their body.

We do have a choice and it may be an easy one for you or it may be a difficult one. For me it was not a difficult decision because I could not imagine him not being with me, somehow. The decision to cremate your pet or not to cremate them is really a personal decision. Only you can decide what is right and how you feel about it. If you do choose to cremate your beloved pet know that you have options for pet urns to keep those remains safe.

In years past, family pets were typically buried in the family yard and you could visit them or make a memorial for them of some kind. Now days we live in different times in many ways. People are more mobile and we tend to move around a lot more due to many different circumstances. Jobs, family and lifestyle play a large role in the mobility of our lifestyle. City life leaves you with a whole different type of living situation and an outdoor burial may not be an option due to space and living arrangements.

Cremation of a pet allows you freedom and comfort to know that wherever life takes you, your pet can always come with you. It is not unheard of for humans to make their own arrangements for their passing to include their pet or pets to go with them. Pet urns give you options for displaying your pet out in the open to memorialize their life. Although they are gone from our daily presence they can be remembered and celebrated.

Just know that you do have options. If you are making this decision ahead of time or after your pet has already passed, simply ask yourself this question. If your pet is truly part of your family how should their remains be taken care of? The answer will come to you and your heart will give you the answer you are looking for.

Pamela K Behnke is the author and can provide additional information about pet cremation, pet urns and pet loss grieving. Pamela creates ways for pet owners to celebrate their pets life. Having loved and lost many of her own family pets she has had her own experience with making those tough decisions and living through them. What do we do with our family pets, companions and friends? Understanding the bond between a human and an animal is something Pamela is very experienced with firsthand.

Grieving a pet and getting through that process is hard enough in it's own. Find out how to grieve and celebrate your pets life at http://pawsnotforgotten.com/

Explore your options and give that one of a kind pet a one of a kind place to rest visit Pet Urns

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