Cat Lover's Air Purifier - Top 4 Things Owners Want It To Eliminate

If you love a cat and share your home with it, you have opened yourself to a lot of love, affection, and happiness, and you're probably smiling right now. But the air quality in your home has probably taken a hit, and the following are the top 4 cat-related pollutants that most owners need their air purifier to be able to eliminate. See if you agree.

Airborne Dander---Dander is the stuff asthma and allergy flare-ups are made of. The protein component (Fel1 d) in these microscopic flakes of dead skin can trigger symptoms ranging from mildly irritating to throat-closing panic.

If you as owner are sensitive to dander, it's tough to enjoy your pet when you're always worried about whether you're going to have an attack. If some of your friends and family are allergic, you're probably not going to see as much of them as you would if the air wasn't thick with dander.

And even if you're not allergic, dander can range from 2 to 5 microns in size which means it is small enough to penetrate the soft tissues of the lungs. This can cause the formation of nodules, which are often benign, but why go there?

Hair---Have you ever had company over for dinner, you're having a great time, the food and conversation are wonderful, and suddenly you look up to see hair floating in the air above the table?

What do you do? Do you reach up and grab it before it lands in someone's plate? Or do you make sparkling conversation and hope no one else notices?

Eliminating the hair from the air is a healthy thing to do because it often has dander stuck to it. And it will also help you avoid embarrassing moments when entertaining.

Litter Box Dust---Yes, you want your cat to use the litter box. You're grateful that it does, really. But the cloud of dust that is created when it's scratching around in there can rival dust storms from the Old West!The thicker the air is with particles, the more symptoms it can cause including watering eyes, runny nose, and sore throat.. And those can make you forget how glad you are that your cat uses the litter box.

Animal Smell---Every animal has an odor, a scent that is unique. And those of us who love cats tolerate the smell of our animal without hesitation. Those who are not in love with your cat, and possibly don't even like cats (Are there really people out there like that?) may not feel the same way about it.

Being able to clear the air of the scent of your cat will mean you can walk in with guests and be assured that they won't know you have a cat until you take them to be introduced.

Using an air cleaner that can get rid of dander, hair, dust from the litter box, and the unique animal smell your cat emits is an easy and non-invasive way to keep everyone healthy. And it will improve air quality and possibly your social life.

Airborne cat dander, hair, odor, and dust need never be a problem again.  Eliminate them continuously with the air purifier at

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