Prevent Illness in Pets - Become A Pet Detective Armed With Home Remedies

To prevent illness in pets the animal's immune system will need to be strong, efficient, and armed with the right tools to destroy all invading pathogens. If this is not the case it will need some additional help which can come in the form of home remedies, early identification, or the help of a skilled veterinarian.

As far as vaccinations go there is a passionate debate as to whether they are a necessary tool to prevent illness in pets or a preventative tool that damages the immune system and opens the door to infection and illness later in life. This question is one of which I do have an opinion but quite honestly it is a matter of conscious and should be dealt with as such.

Pet Immune Defenses - A quick review

Antibodies which fight off disease are produced by your pets reticuloendothelial system which is made up of white blood cells, lymph nodes, and special cells in the lungs, liver, spleen, and bone marrow. These special cells work in conjunction with other substances in the blood to attack and destroy any pathogens.

These defenders of health and wellness we refer to as antibodies are highly specialized and destroy only the type of pathogen that stimulate their production. When an animal becomes ill with an infectious disease his immune system produces antibodies against that particular pathogen. At this point your pet has acquired an almost impenetrable defense (at least for a while) against re-infection. This is known as active immunity. There is also passive immunity which is genetic and passed down from generation to generation.

Moving on

Oftentimes domesticated pets (especially purebreds) are born to parents who had parents who were domesticated which greatly reduces their natural defenses. These animals may spend the majority of their lives indoors avoiding exposure to diseases which weakens the their immune defenses even more. If raised in the wild they would have gradually created a wall of immunity providing them with the natural defenses needed for survival.

Put plain and simply our pets simply don't have the immune defenses they once did and need our help to stay healthy!

Pet parents must be part pet detective to keep them well

Most pets will show at least some subtle signs they are feeling poorly and it is important to recognize these signs earlier rather than later. Some of the more common examples are fatigue, either sleeping too much or too little, changes in the amount of water consumed, changes in grooming behavior, uncharacteristic weight loss or weight gain, aggressive behavior, changes in urination habits, changes in coat and fur texture, and isolationism.

If you notice any changes in behavior such as the ones listed above pets should be monitored closely and a trip to the vet considered.

Prevent Illness in Pets - At Home Tips

*A mixture of B12 and cranberry juice. Cranberry helps keeps the urinary tract and B12 helps with cell health.

*Vitamins C and E are thought to boost pet immune system health.

*Opt for pet foods that are mostly natural and free from food coloring, fillers, and preservatives.

*Filtered water. Sometimes tap water can be loaded with impurities that can foster a number of different diseases and conditions.

*Daily Exercise. Active pets are generally much healthy overall than their inactive counterparts.

*Reduce Stress. Stress is the arch-enemy of the body's natural immune defenses.

*Herbs and herbal and homeopathic remedies can do wonders. There a quite a few herbs which have been shown to support and improve immune system function. Some of the most effective are Echinacea, Indian Ginseng, Huang Qi (Astragalus), Milk Thistle and an odd sounding herb native to Peru know as Cat's Claw (not made of cats claws).

In conclusion, a pet parent who has honed his/her detective skills, garnering a keen sense as to how their cat or dog is feeling, and is armed with an array of natural remedies is a formidable adversary for virtually all disease- causing pathogens. Additionally, annual visits to the veterinarian should be considered as they can sometimes identify problematic illnesses before they become obvious.

Robert D. Hawkins is an enthusiastic consumer advocate for natural pet health with over 10 years experience in the field. To discover more about immune and cellular health in pets along with information about a herbal and homeopathic pet supplement specially formulated to boost your pets natural immune defenses Click Here

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