Portable Pet Air Cleaners - Top 5 Features To Have

Providing clean air for your pets by filtering the air with an air purifier is as important as providing fresh food and water. Making sure you opt for a portable cleaner with the following 5 features will make it your friend for life.

Wheels - Sturdy casters that can roll over virtually any surface a an absolute must. Filtration generally starts with the air that is closest to the unit. If there is something particularly smelly going on, or grooming that puts a lot of hair, dust, or feathers in the air, being able to roll the cleaner closer with a push of a finger beats having to lift it any day.

Knowing you can move the cleaner easily will encourage to move it when your really need to. And ultimately the wheels make it possible for you to provide cleaner air for you and your pets more quickly.

360 Degree Air Intake - Do you have friends that are fussy about where, and who they sit beside in a group? Yeah, I do too. Your cleaner should be able to work quietly in a corner rather than needing to take center stage in the middle of your room.

Having the ability to take in air from all sides with only 6 inches clearance needed means you can put your unit high or low, or even in a corner and count on it to work well without needing any attention from you.

Rugged Construction - Pets can be pretty curious creatures. Curiosity often turns into mouthing with lots of teeth and really strong jaws. Having a purifier that is made of plastic can mean that they are able to break off pieces of it and at best break the cleaner. But they could also chew on small pieces, get choked, or worse.

Steel construction is what you want to prevent the possibility of these types of accidents. Some plastic units will off - gas noxious fumes into the air when the motor heats it up. Steel will not off - gas because of motor heat. Steel also allows you to move the purifier with few worries about damage.

2 Prong Plug With Adequate Cord - A cleaner that has a 2 - prong plug gives you easy access to every 120 volt outlet which means regardless of where you and your pet go, clean air is always as close as the nearest outlet. Not having a 3 - prong adapter available will never stop you from being able to have your purifier continually filtering your air.

Having a cord that is short enough so it won't trip you or attract your pets' attention, but one that can allow you to plug it in where you want and not need an extension cord is a handy feature.

Light Weight - A unit that you may need to be on the move should be light enough to pick up or one that can easily be placed on a hand truck and moved. 30 to 45 pound is a good range for a cleaner that can go with you where and when you and your pets need it.

See the portable pet air purifier that pet owners across the country are talking about at http://purerair.com/austin_air_pet_machine.html

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Diabetes in Dogs and Cats

Basically, this disease is a metabolic disorder in which the carbohydrate and fat metabolism are disturbed. 80 to 90 percent of dogs suffering from diabetes are females. In cats, the distribution is roughly random. There are various triggers of this disease. So it is possible that there is a congenital defect of the Langerhans islets (the insulin produced in the pancreas), but stressful situations or pregnancy can also trigger diabetes.

The blood sugar cannot be degraded, there is a rise in blood sugar levels, the blood is thicker, the flow of blood slows down and these are followed by symptoms such as eczema, itching, increased thirst, urine output increases, so the dogs often have to go for a walk. The cats either ask their master or mistress to take them out more often or they go to their litter box more often. In the advanced stages, the animals get flabby and tired and vomiting and respiratory problems can follow. The animals can go blind as a result of diabetes. Liver and kidney damage are also possible.

A blood test should be carried out at the appearance of the first symptoms, the diagnosis being necessary in order to treat the disease on time. There are two types of diabetes.

Type 1: These diseased animals have an inadequate production of insulin, which is what causes the disease. Young, genetically predisposed and/or obese animals are usually affected. Juvenile diabetes, which usually occurs in young dogs and cats, can be triggered by a viral illness. The pancreas becomes inflamed due to this viral disease. The islet cells in the pancreas are destroyed. A treatment consists of a regular dose of insulin. Insulin injections for life follow for the animal after it is diagnosed with diabetes.

Diabetes - Type 2: This shows a lack of insulin action even when the pancreas produces enough of it. The exchange between the insulin and its receptors on the cell surface is not properly carried out in this case. Thus, there is a failure of glucose utilization of the cells.

Risk factors

Risk factors for insulin resistance are obesity (20% or more are overweight). Overweight cats are particularly affected, as well as animals with a metabolic disorder, physical inactivity and with insulin-acting hormones (e.g. glucocorticoids). When a dog or cat has to live with cortisone for long, it develops jatrogene diabetes (drug-induced diabetes, e.g. by too much cortisone). The most common cause of type 2 diabetes is and remains overweight as a result of malnutrition. The incidence of the disease increases with the age of the animal. The majority of affected dogs or cats are more than 9 years old. Studies in adult humans have confirmed that diabetes increases fivefold in obesity cases.

The treatment of type 2 diabetes is a consistent diet with high fiber contents, lots of exercise, less tasty treats between meals and sodium sulphate and magnesium phosphate, which reduce the weight. Uniform feeding is very important for the diagnosis of diabetes. The food composition must be the same. Blood glucose monitoring and continuous adjustment of the amount of insulin is not enough and not exactly pleasant for the animals. Ideally, the diet should be modified by the veterinarian.

If your dog or cat does not like diet food, you must offer it fiber-rich foods. This fiber-rich feeding reduces the glucose absorption from the intestine. 1.5 grams of wheat bran and cellulose per kilogram of body weight are suited every day. You can continue to provide commercial wet food alone, but note the helpful advice of your veterinarian. This will put together a diet for your pet, depending on which organs are affected secondarily. The vet will take into account if the diabetes has already affected the liver or the kidneys.

Aside from diabetes, make sure that your pets is healthy with flea collar for cats. This can help in managing cat parasites that can affect your pets easily.

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Effective Dog Medicine for Sick Pooches

Deciding to add a canine companion to your life is a wonderful way to add laughter and fulfillment to your household. This is especially true if you choose to rescue a dog from a local animal shelter. Shelters across the country are increasingly overcrowded, and they rely on generous people like you to give these needy pets a happy home.

But adopting a dog, whether you go through a shelter, a breeder, or anywhere else, is always a decision that requires a lot of responsibility. Just like a child, a dog relies on you to keep them healthy.

Preventative Medicine

Of course, there are many ways that you can prevent your dog from getting sick in the first place. One type of pet medication that is continually increasing in popularity is medicine for anxiety or other behavioral issues.

These issues can include things like chewing up shoes and making an all-around mess throughout the house. In many cases, dogs develop these issues even after they have been well trained as puppies.

Before you decide to put your pup on a medication regiment for separation anxiety or other behavior problems, you should take a look at how your own schedule can affect your dog's existence. Do you often leave your pet alone for long hours? Do you live in a small city apartment? Not getting enough exercise is often a big issue when it comes to anxiety problems.

If you live in a city, there might not be any choice for you but to live in a small apartment. However, you might be able to curb some anxiety issues by running your dog at the local dog park for an hour or so every day. In many cases, you can even bring a book and relax while your dog entertains themselves playing with other canines.

City dwellers should also consider hiring a professional dog walker to come in and care for their pooch during the afternoon. This is a great way to split up the animal's day while you are busy at work. Dogs are creatures of habit, and if you schedule a walk for them at the same time every afternoon, it can do wonders to help their demeanor.

If these techniques for prevention don't seem to work, there are still a wide variety of behavioral drugs out there that might do the trick. Amitriptyline is a tricyclic antidepressant for dogs that is designed to curb many different behavioral problems.

Clomipramine is a similar medication used specifically to treat separation anxiety. Sometimes even having a dog walker come in isn't going to make your pet miss you any less! Having a walker come while you are at work or away is a great idea either way, but talk to your veterinarian about whether Clomipramine can help as well.

Choice of Breeds

In some cases, you can do everything right and still your dog will suffer from medical issues. A lot of times the breed of your animal comes into play.

Think for a moment about how human beings sometimes inherit diseases that are passed down from generation to generation. The same thing goes with dogs.

The difference is that because of traditional breeding techniques, certain types of dog are more susceptible to genetic diseases and problems than others. Many large breeds, for instance, are very susceptible to joint problems. Adequan Canine, Novox, Deramaxx, Zubrin, and Rimadyl are all common medications for arthritis in dogs.

While it isn't always the case, so-called "mutts" are often less prone to genetic diseases. With mixed DNA, these dogs many times end up being far more resilient animals. That's just one more reason to adopt your next pet from an animal shelter!

Other Common Medications

Just like people, dogs suffer from all sorts of maladies. It is important to talk to your vet before putting your pet on any medication regiment, but here are a few other ailments your animal may encounter, as well as corresponding medications.

Gastrointestinal issues - If you have had problems with constipation in your pet, give them the relief they need with Lactulose Solution. Lactulose is also commonly used for pets with liver disease. It can help to lower the amount of ammonia that exists in your pet's blood, preventing hepatic encephalopathy (a condition that can lead to cirrhosis of the liver).

Seizures - Having a dog who suffers from seizures can be scary for owners and pets alike. Potassium bromide capsules are often used to prevent seizures in the future. To prevent an upset stomach, administer the drug with your dog's meal.

Notice that your pet seems winded while out for a walk? They may suffer from canine asthma. Talk to your vet about whether a canine inhaler like the AeroDawg Canine Aerosol Chamber can help your dog feel like a puppy again.

Remember that it is imperative that you speak with your vet before ever starting to give your pet a new medication. But if your vet agrees that your dog needs to be on medicine, it is up to you to make sure they take it on the schedule that the vet provides.

Pamela Wendt is a freelance writer who writes about pet care and products such as dog medicine.

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Basic Dog Grooming for Pet Owners

Basic Dog Grooming For Pet Owners and Proper grooming is just as important to a dog's happiness and health as proper nutrition, regular visits to a veterinarian and frequent exercise. Regular hygiene will keep your pet looking clean and fluffy for a good while eliminating bad odors and reducing the risk of illness. A good majority of a dogs grooming requirements can, and should, be done at home and requires only a few special tools available at any local Petsmart or pet store and most discount outlets.

Brushing is something that most dogs actually enjoy when introduced properly. Starting a brushing routine early is an effective way to bond with a new puppy. How often you need to brush your dog depends on the breed and what kind of hair it has. Dogs with long hair may need daily brushing to remove matted hair and tangles. Weekly brushing is adequate for dogs with medium length hair while dogs with short hair need to be brushed just once a month.

Brushing does more than just keep the hair from getting tangled and matted. The action stimulates oil production in the skin and this keeps the coat healthy and shiny. It also removes any dead hair that has been shed.

You want to be sure to choose a brushy that is best suited for the dog's hair type. An ordinary bristle brush will work for most types of hair but there are many to choose from with bristles that are soft, firm, short or long. A wire pin brush works best on dogs with medium to long hair. For severely matted and tangled hair, use a mat breaker or rake. Moderately tangled hair can be worked on with a slicker brush. Use a shedding tool to remove excess hair on dogs with an undercoat.

Bathing is something that dogs enjoy less but starting the routine at a young age will help. Most dogs can be bathed approximately once per month with good results. Use only shampoos formulated especially for animal hair. Flea and tick formulas should only be used if the animal needs them because they can dry out the skin. Avoid skin irritation by thoroughly rinsing the shampoo out. Keep water out of the ears by placing a piece of cotton into the ear canal during the bath. Water in the ears can cause an infection. A hair dryer may be used following the bath but use a low setting and keep the device in motion to prevent burning the skin.

Some breeds, like poodles, have hair that grows continuously. These breeds will need to have the hair cut once or twice a month depending on the style. Most people prefer to leave this job to experienced professional groomers.

The ears are a breeding ground for yeast and bacteria if they are not cleaned regularly. Plan to clean your pets ears every time the dog is bathed and more often in the case of breeds that are prone to ear problems. Animals with long hair and floppy ears will tend to have more problems because the ear canal is closed off to the air most of the time. Ear wipes soaked in cleaning solution are available at most stores that carry pet supplies. Some dogs with long hair have a problem with hair growing inside the ear canal. Hemostats can be used to gently remove these hairs but many people prefer to leave this task to a qualified vet or groomer.

Your dogs nails should be kept trimmed short. For some dogs, frequent walks on pavement will be enough to keep the nails worn down to an acceptable length. If the nails must be cut, it is important to be extremely careful. If the nails are cut back to far it will cause bleeding and the animal will be in pain. This is a job that is best left to a vet if the dog is too aggressive during the procedure.

There are a variety of nail trimmers to choose from. Scissor trimmers are designed for use on dogs with small, thin nails. The guillotine trimmer features a spring-loaded handle and a replaceable blade. Some people find the rotary tool nail filers to be easy to use and effective on all nail types.

Keeping pets well groomed makes them more pleasant to be around and is necessary for good health. Dirty ears can lead to serious infections and a matted coat may cause skin problems. Most people prefer to do the grooming themselves as a way to bond with the animal and save money. Proper grooming is something that should be started early and continued throughout the lifetime your pet.

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Overview on Rabies Vaccination for Cats and Dogs

It is important for pet owners to know that they need to have their cats and dogs vaccinated. In order to know the specifics about pet vaccination, continue reading.

Vaccinations for pets are usually given on specific schedules. Usually, private clinics will give vaccinations anytime. Government-run clinics can stick to a certain schedule every few months. But, to be sure, ask your pet's doctor and determine when is your pet's first and succeeding vaccinations.

Before you subject your cat or dog to these vaccinations, make sure that you have all your questions answered. You need to become aware of the advantages and disadvantages. Also, there can be some things that you need to look out for immediately after or a few hours after the medication has been given.

The first vaccination should be given before your pet is four months old. In some places, they require that the pets be vaccinated a little earlier like when they are three months old. Ask your local clinics or private veterinarian on when to expect to have your pet vaccinated. Be sure to remember the schedule as there can be penalties and disadvantages to those who do not follow this certain schedule. Some places will require that you pay fines if you have missed to bring your pet to the vet on a certain schedule.

There will be a need to give them their second rabies vaccination. Usually, this will be given a year after the first one. But, also, you need to check with your vet about this schedule and ascertain when is your pet's second appointment for the vaccination. Succeeding shots are sometimes necessary and they will be considered booster shots. These are the shots that will allow them to develop more immunity against the rabies virus.

For some owners, their pets might already be vaccinated before they are under their care. To be sure about this, ask for papers that, indeed, they were given the vaccines. Also, determine the type of medication used in order to know about the schedule of the succeeding shots.

When your pet bites a person, there are standard measures that need to be followed. Even if your pet is completely vaccinated, they still need to be placed under observation. Of course, the victim will be managed accordingly depending on the severity of the damage and the ensuing effects.

Immediately after your pet is vaccinated, there are several signs that you need to observe. Their reaction to the medication can be generally positive. Meaning, they can develop antibodies as planned and there will be no untoward signs and symptoms developed afterwards. Still, you need to look out for allergic reactions. This will be the same as when humans receive vaccinations. There can be substances in the medication that they are sensitive to triggering a certain response.

For your cats and dogs, you might need to leave them in the clinic for some time. Some might readily bring their pets at home and just observe them closely for any untoward signs and symptoms.

Jerri Torres enjoys writing for Petflow which sells Taste of the Wild and natural dog food delivery as well as a host of additional products.

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5 Tips On Choosing Veterinary Clinics For Your Pet

It is not an easy task to find a veterinary clinic for your pet. Veterinarians are medical professionals who have specialized knowledge about treating the illnesses of all kinds of animals. Hence, one should be very careful in choosing a veterinary clinic for their pet. However, many pet owners are not about the different kinds of services provided by the animal hospitals and they just think that the clinic that is just a few blocks down the lane is enough for treating for their pets. When you search for a veterinary clinic, you should check whether it is completely equipped with various services or not. A well-equipped clinic will be able to deal with all the known common health issues of pets.

Here is a list of some services that should be available in a veterinary clinic. If you find these services at your pet clinic, you can understand that your pet will be given the best health care at that clinic:

Physical Health Checkup

Since different kinds of animals has different physiology; the simplest way of diagnosing a health problem is by performing physical health checkup. The veterinarian should be skilled enough to perform physical examination as well as perform relevant tests. To perform tests, different kinds of equipment are required for different kinds of pets. Hence, an animal hospital must have all the necessary health checkup equipment.

Nutrition Advice

Many pet owners may not know what kind of food they should provide their pets to keep them healthy. The owners should be well aware of the nutritional diet. Food that suits humans or some animals may not be suitable for some kind of pets. Veterinarians are the ones who have complete knowledge about nutrition for different kinds of animals. When you visit a pet clinic, the vet should be able to advice and give you adequate information about the nutritional diet for your pet.


We all know how important are x-rays in detecting fractures and broken bones. If damage to the bones go unnoticed, it can lead to bigger problems which significantly affect your pet's health in the long run. Hence, a pet clinic should be equipped with x-ray machines so that it can facilitate in diagnosing different kinds of pet injuries.

Medical Staff

A pet clinic is not just about having a highly experienced pet doctor but it should also have competent medical staff. They should be familiar with health conditions of different pets. They should know how different equipment work that are used for treating pets. They should have the knack of handling the pets safely without discomforting them.


Vaccines are something that is required for all pets during various stages of their life. Hence, every pet clinic should have all the known vaccines.

Are you searching for a good San Diego veterinary clinic? Find out the best and highly proficient San Diego veterinarian at San Diego animal hospital now!

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Prevent Illness in Pets - Become A Pet Detective Armed With Home Remedies

To prevent illness in pets the animal's immune system will need to be strong, efficient, and armed with the right tools to destroy all invading pathogens. If this is not the case it will need some additional help which can come in the form of home remedies, early identification, or the help of a skilled veterinarian.

As far as vaccinations go there is a passionate debate as to whether they are a necessary tool to prevent illness in pets or a preventative tool that damages the immune system and opens the door to infection and illness later in life. This question is one of which I do have an opinion but quite honestly it is a matter of conscious and should be dealt with as such.

Pet Immune Defenses - A quick review

Antibodies which fight off disease are produced by your pets reticuloendothelial system which is made up of white blood cells, lymph nodes, and special cells in the lungs, liver, spleen, and bone marrow. These special cells work in conjunction with other substances in the blood to attack and destroy any pathogens.

These defenders of health and wellness we refer to as antibodies are highly specialized and destroy only the type of pathogen that stimulate their production. When an animal becomes ill with an infectious disease his immune system produces antibodies against that particular pathogen. At this point your pet has acquired an almost impenetrable defense (at least for a while) against re-infection. This is known as active immunity. There is also passive immunity which is genetic and passed down from generation to generation.

Moving on

Oftentimes domesticated pets (especially purebreds) are born to parents who had parents who were domesticated which greatly reduces their natural defenses. These animals may spend the majority of their lives indoors avoiding exposure to diseases which weakens the their immune defenses even more. If raised in the wild they would have gradually created a wall of immunity providing them with the natural defenses needed for survival.

Put plain and simply our pets simply don't have the immune defenses they once did and need our help to stay healthy!

Pet parents must be part pet detective to keep them well

Most pets will show at least some subtle signs they are feeling poorly and it is important to recognize these signs earlier rather than later. Some of the more common examples are fatigue, either sleeping too much or too little, changes in the amount of water consumed, changes in grooming behavior, uncharacteristic weight loss or weight gain, aggressive behavior, changes in urination habits, changes in coat and fur texture, and isolationism.

If you notice any changes in behavior such as the ones listed above pets should be monitored closely and a trip to the vet considered.

Prevent Illness in Pets - At Home Tips

*A mixture of B12 and cranberry juice. Cranberry helps keeps the urinary tract and B12 helps with cell health.

*Vitamins C and E are thought to boost pet immune system health.

*Opt for pet foods that are mostly natural and free from food coloring, fillers, and preservatives.

*Filtered water. Sometimes tap water can be loaded with impurities that can foster a number of different diseases and conditions.

*Daily Exercise. Active pets are generally much healthy overall than their inactive counterparts.

*Reduce Stress. Stress is the arch-enemy of the body's natural immune defenses.

*Herbs and herbal and homeopathic remedies can do wonders. There a quite a few herbs which have been shown to support and improve immune system function. Some of the most effective are Echinacea, Indian Ginseng, Huang Qi (Astragalus), Milk Thistle and an odd sounding herb native to Peru know as Cat's Claw (not made of cats claws).

In conclusion, a pet parent who has honed his/her detective skills, garnering a keen sense as to how their cat or dog is feeling, and is armed with an array of natural remedies is a formidable adversary for virtually all disease- causing pathogens. Additionally, annual visits to the veterinarian should be considered as they can sometimes identify problematic illnesses before they become obvious.

Robert D. Hawkins is an enthusiastic consumer advocate for natural pet health with over 10 years experience in the field. To discover more about immune and cellular health in pets along with information about a herbal and homeopathic pet supplement specially formulated to boost your pets natural immune defenses Click Here

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Professional Pet Photos in Four Steps

Tip 1. Exercise your pet before you begin. I cannot stress this enough. You don't want your pet tired but you do want all of the excess energy run out of them. It's best to do this up first and get it out of the way. You will find this will save your time and frustration. When they have all of their excess energy spent, you will find it much easier to get your photos. They will most likely be more responsive and you may get that perfect pose you are looking for. Bonus tip... Exercise them really well and let them take a nap. It's hard to beat a photograph of a sleeping critter!

Tip 2. Go Outside. Utilize the Sun and turn off your cameras flash unless you intend to use if for fill. It is always best to use natural light if you can. If at all possible shoot during the Golden Hours of Sunrise and Sunset- The light is warm and directional meaning it will highlight your pet's coat and give it depth and texture. Position yourself with your back to the sun and start shooting. Want a different look? Go for a silhouette shot and position your pet between you and the sun. The sun will highlight the pets hair and give a halo effect. You may have to adjust your cameras metering in order to get the effect that you desire.

Tip 3. Get down to your pet's level. Unless your pet is a horse, this will at least mean getting on your knees and often lower is better. I often take pictures with my chin in the dirt! This often produces high quality and dramatic photos. Get at least eye level with your pet. We are used to seeing most pets from above. When you take a photo from a different view point it creates interest and drama. You may look a little silly and have to brush off your clothes but you captured an image that will last a life time!

Tip 4. Focus on the eyes. It is commonly said that the eyes are the window to the soul- this is really true with pets. Much of their expression comes through their eyes. For more dramatic looking eyes be sure you capture the "catch lights" (reflections) in the eyes. You can do this by positioning yourself with a light behind you and positioning your camera so that it "catches the light" (catch light) in their eyes. This is often the difference for me from a o.k. photo and a great one. In addition to this, be sure that the eyes are actually in focus. If you are working with a large aperture aka F1.2-2.8 you may find that if you focus on the pets nose their eyes may actually be out of focus.

Bonus Tip Most importantly, go out and take pictures and lots of them! You are not improving as a photographer unless you practice. You may find you need to try that same shot many times before you get it right.

Check out my website below for some examples of the tips above!

Kevin Stacey

Photographer/ Owner Cute Critters Photography

Professional pet photography in the Lansing, Michigan Area- "Pets Deserve Portraits Too!"



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