Why Natural Pet Remedies?

With pharmaceutical medicines such as antibiotics being the primary treatment option for most veterinarians it comes as no surprise that a large number of pet owners would ask themselves why natural pet remedies anyway. Even as an avid believer in natural pet remedies I do understand this point of view. After all natural pet remedies do have their limitations and are associated by some as a treatment method that is behind the times.

Nevertheless, most of us who have had experience with natural pet remedies know that there is perhaps no better form of preventative medicine, and when you get right down to it most diseases and conditions can be prevented through a combination of lifestyle modification along with natural pet remedies.

Additionally, for cats and dogs struggling with an existing condition, a blend of lifestyle modification and natural remedies can make a big difference. One great example of this would be pets whose routine urinary tract infection has turned chronic.

The truth is our pets are gradually losing their ability to fight off disease as their immune defenses are constantly being bombarded by annual vaccinations, commercial pets foods, low activity levels, high anxiety levels, and the overuse of antibiotics and other pharmaceutical medications.

Despite the best efforts of skilled veterinary practitioners armed with the latest and greatest pharmaceutical medicines we are still seeing a steady rise in the number of chronic pet illnesses when common sense would seem to suggest that the number should be going in the opposite direction.

More about the advantages of natural pet remedies

Don't get me wrong there is a place for conventional medicine but as with most things there must be a balance between nature and conventional treatment methods to delivers the best chance for pet health and wellness.

As so well put by Clinical Psychologist Michele Carelse "While there will always be a place for conventional veterinary medicine, natural medicine can complement conventional veterinary care and in many cases cure your pets just as well - without the side effects and damage to health that can accompany synthetic drugs and antibiotics."

I recently read an article by Doctor of Chinese Medicine Glenn Ferguson where he stated that "When a veterinary surgeon practices the use of homeopathic medicine and is asked why he does so, he may give one of several answers. The simple answer would be that the results are good, an emphatic answer would be that homeopathic treatment has no unpleasant or dangerous side effects, while still achieving successful results."

In conclusion, natural pet remedies can be a useful resource worth considering especially in cases where conventional treatment methods have failed to deliver the intended result. There are any number of diseases and conditions where this could be the case with chronic infections of the urinary tract due to overuse of antibiotics, certain types of cancer, cancer treatments which have not only not been unsuccessful but seriously damaged a pets immune system, and Cushing's Disease where there simply aren't any good conventional answers at this time. Certainly natural pet remedies aren't right for every situation or even every pet but given the right set of circumstances they are definitely a side effect free option worth considering.

Robert D. Hawkins is an enthusiastic consumer advocate for natural pet health and wellness with over 10 years experience in the field. To discover more about natural pet health along with information about natural pet remedies Click Here.

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