How Pets Benefit From Holistic Medicine

Our pets mean the world to us and so we want the best for them because they are a part of our family. We provide love, shelter and food in order for them to live a long and happy life with us. Unfortunately either out of necessity or convenience we have had to alter their diet and lifestyle in ways that do not entirely benefit them.

Before our pets were domesticated they were not exposed to commercial foods which can contain low quality ingredients, chemicals and dyes. Before domestication they received plenty of exercise hunting in the wild. Many of the fresh grasses and herbs they ate (were holistic medicines), chosen from instinct during thousands of years in the wild, which kept them healthy by cleansing their intestinal track of impurities, keeping bacteria or any toxic substances they ate in check.

Health is directly related to diet and lifestyle for us and our pets. An insufficient diet containing inadequate protein with a large quantity of meat-by-products; parts of meat that contain very little meat and what is classified as waste "not fit for human consumption" is generally what is in the product versus the idyllic pet labels which state choice beef cuts, fish and chicken full of vitamins with all the nourishment your pet will ever need to live a long and healthy life?

Rendered (over processed) meat often includes animals that are diseased and cancerous so lots of flavor and vitamins must be added in order to comply with the pet food industry "standards". What happens when our pets are fed a modern processed diet? Many of the same illnesses that plague us have been showing up in our pets.


-inflammation causing joint discomfort


-urinary tract problems


-kidney failure and many more

Is it any wonder our pet's immune system is not as vigorous as it should be in order to fight off a majority of illnesses? It is very important to maintain a strong immune system in order to sustain our pet's health and vigor. There are ways to help your pet using the holistic approach. These include; a healthy diet and homeopathy along with natural products formulated for your pets specific ailment. Our pets can also benefit from holistic medicines as they also work with conventional medications by lessening the side effects if they must take them due to a chronic or life threatening illness.

Many conditions our pets have can benefit from holistic medicine such as:

-age related conditions (arthritis, energy levels, flatulence, prostate, thyroid)

-chronic conditions (diabetes, cough, urinary tract)

-preventative (liver, blood sugar levels, digestion, parasites)

-behavior and emotional issues (sadness, aggression and stress)

Our pet's shower us with love, attention, and devotion. It has even been proven that our pet's companionship helps to reduce our own blood pressure and even depression. Why shouldn't we give them a healthy life in return?

Discover Natural ways to enhance your pets immune system by visiting Natural Pet Health for more information or Pet Health Alternatives which has a full line of products for pet health.

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