Travelling With Your Dog or Cat

Do you enjoy travelling with your dog or cat? Or is travelling going to be a new experience? Do you know if there are any special precautions that you need to take before traveling with your pet? Is your destination one that will accept pets?

Depending on your answers to the above questions, the following suggestions could help you in your travels.

Traveling with a pet can be a brand new experience. Especially if your pet is new to traveling, the following suggestions could make it a better trip for you and your pet.

For instance, ask yourself if it is truly necessary to take your dog or cat with you on a long distance trip. Some veterinarians and other pet experts believe that taking your pet with you on long car rides is not always the best idea. This, however, does not mean that you cannot or should not take your pet with you if you would like to. This is only your decision. If you decide that you are going to take your pet with you, the key to having a successful vacation is preparation. The safety and comfort of your pet is vital, so your first order of business is the type of pet carrier you will use.

It needs to be big enough that your dog or cat is easily able to stand or turn. Food in plastic bowls should also be placed inside the carrier. You should also put a picture of your dog or cat on the outside of the carrier along with his or her name so that if the pet gets lost, you have something ready to show possible people that may have seen him or her. If you are not traveling by car and are instead traveling by plane, make sure that the carrier you have chosen is approved by the airline.

Many pets are not used to being in a carrier. A couple of weeks before your scheduled trip it is a good idea to bring the carrier inside the home. Keep the door propped open so that the animal can go in and out as they choose. Having a blanket inside can help make it more comfortable for them, and even a toy or two is a great idea to get them used to the idea of the carrier.

When your dog or cat finds that the carrier is not such a bad place to be, he or she can then be locked inside it and taken for their very first car ride. Five to ten minutes on this first excursion is plenty. Take the carrier in when you arrive home and immediately let them out. Repeat this for several days until the dog or cat actually wants to go for the ride. This will show you that he or she is ready for the long trip you have planned. When travelling, never put the animal carrier in the front seat as the air bags in the vehicle can injure your pet.

With a little preparation, you and your pet will have a great time.

Lots of advice for the perfect care of your little friends, your dog or cat is offered by veterinary doctors and experts at

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