In Home Pet Care - The Great Alternative to a Dog Boarding Kennel or Cattery

Are you planning a holiday or business trip and wondering who will look after your pets or where you should leave them? Have you considered in home pet care? It's a great alternative to using a boarding kennel or cattery and an option that your pets will thank you for. Discover why so many people are making this choice.

Going on holiday is an exciting time for the human family. Some of us look forward to relaxing while others enjoy the thrill of new experiences. We get to meet new people, see fascinating locations, try new and interesting foods and stay in variety of places. Or there are those that holiday at the same place every year because they feel comfortable and don't like a lot of change, some even preferring to stay at home and 'holiday 'because nothing beats the creature comforts of home. The latter is how our furry family members feel.

Our pets, particularly our dogs and cats, don't like change. In fact big changes tend to make them stress which has a whole gamut of effects on their mental and physical health. Cats and dogs like to be in familiar surrounds and follow their everyday routine and this is where the services of a professional in home pet care provider can help.

Placing your pets in a kennel or cattery is quite a daunting experience, similar to you going to live in a foreign country knowing no one or the language. Their senses our inundated with unfamiliar smells, sounds and sights which can be very unsettling. Our dogs and cats are also very social animals and need the company of humans on a regular basis which is an important element often not offered or available when staying at a kennel or cattery. Your pets are typically fed a totally different diet to which they are accustomed, often leading to diarrhoea and weight loss. When changing your pet's food it should be a gradual process over a period of seven to ten days. When boarding, your beloved pets will also have a greater chance of contracting parasites and diseases due to the new environment and close proximity of other dogs and cats. A much healthier, safer and far less stressful option is to have your pets cared for in their own home environment.

Using an in home pet care provider is a little like having a pet butler. Quality pet carers will offer a choice of one or more visits per day. Twice daily services are ideal as they help to maintain your pet's normal routine. The visits can vary in length and are designed to ensure your pets remain healthy and content while you're away. Not only do they ensure they are fed and have clean water, your pet sitter will keep your furry friends entertained and will happily play; walk, talk; brush or whatever it takes to keep them happy (of course litter change and pooper scooping is always included).

No longer will you need to impose on family, friends or neighbours; worry about your pets travel sickness or waste time dropping them off as your pet sitter will come to you. As an added bonus, using an in home pet carer will give your home some added security. Most will include collecting mail and papers; putting your rubbish bins out/in; watering your plants; opening/closing curtains; lights on/off; even starting up the car.

So if you are a pet parent looking for a better option, arrange to board your pets at home. Be sure to use a professional pet sitter who will arrange to meet you and all your pets prior to your departure. They will tailor a care plan to suit you and your pets needs and take detailed information on your pet's likes; dislikes; eating habits; daily routines; health and temperament. A skilled pet sitter will have a broad range of pet care experience; will often hold Pet First Aid and CPR Certification and will always be happy to provide copies of reports from other pet parents. For added piece of mind they will hold public liability insurance and have Police Clearance.

Take the stress out of going on holidays. Let your local professional pet care provider care for your pets in the comfort of their own home. Your precious pets will eat their regular diet; sleep with ease and continue to do many if not all of their regular activities. They will receive daily social interaction, exercise and petting which makes for a much happier pet.

At Glenda's Pet Sitting and Dog Walking we guarantee to give your best friends the attention and care they deserve. We service the Gold Coast and Tweed Coast, for further details visit our website.

Glenda D, Founder of Glenda's Pet Sitting and Dog Walking

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Your Pet Rabbit's Diet

Rabbits are one of the best pets that you can have. They are gentle creatures and love to have human companions. They are ideal pets for people who don't have an active lifestyle and would want to be more laid back. What's great about rabbits is that you can just let them roam around. This is far different from typical types of pets like cats and dogs. You have to exercise them and walk them around. Rabbits are different because you can just leave them in their rabbit hutch and they will be fine.

When you have a pet rabbit, it is important that you understand its diet needs. Remember that rabbits, or any pet for that matter, may die if you don't feed them the right type of food and if you don't take good care of them. It is your responsibility to know when to feed them and how much food to give.

Rabbits are herbivores. That means they only eat plants, not meat. This is what's great about rabbits because it can be easy to find food for them. You can even save money if you just let them graze in the grass. Other types of food that rabbits eat are vegetables like carrots. Other alternatives are pellets. You can find these in pet stores. They are made with the right nutrients, enough for your pet rabbit's needs for its body.

Did you know that rabbits have two kinds of droppings? And the softer type is the one that they eat? Rabbits are like some other herbivores that eat their droppings. They do this so that food will be better digested. This is why it is very important that you keep their rabbit hutches clean from their droppings all the time. Don't worry if you see a rabbit that eats its own dropping because it is normal.

Aside from having enough food to eat, your pet rabbit should be given clean water to drink. Water is very important for your pet to be hydrated. This is especially true during the summer season when it gets too hot. Make sure that you place the water in a clean container and that you always have enough water for your pet rabbit.

These are the things you need to know about a rabbit's diet. It is important that you learn all of these when you have a pet rabbit. So you will know how you can take care of it properly.

David D. Warren enjoys writing for The Rabbit Hutch Shop which sells rabbit hutch and rabbit hutches as well as a host of additional products.

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Divorce - The Effects on Your Pet

After I had learnt to live with the shock of my 11 year relationship ending, I started to go through another trauma, the loss of my beloved fluffy tiger (actually a cat, but she thought otherwise).

Not only did I miss her terribly but I was also concerned about how she would feel without me. Would she eat properly? Would she get stressed out looking for me? Would she fight with the other cat because of misplaced anger?

Unfortunately, for various reasons, I had no choice but to leave her with my ex and the other cat.

We were so close, she was a real fusspot and would only ever come to me for cuddles. She was completely my baby.

Sadly if you have a strong bond with an animal then there's a very big chance that they will go through their own heartbreak at the divorce and at losing you. Their routine and home life will be forever changed and that will cause them anxiety and stress.

Sadly during the difficult time of separation our pets are often the last thing on our minds.

Of course this is understandable as your head will be a mess and your whole life as you knew it has probably just disappeared. Most animals will pick up on the hostility and anger and may be very scared and confused.

Then you have the problem of deciding which one of you will take care of the pet.

Below are some helpful tips when thinking about your pet during a break up.

If you have children take into consideration that they probably have formed strong attachments to your pets. It is recommended that the pet isn't separated from a child if at all possible. Stability for them both at this time is so important. They can be a great source of comfort to children when their parents are splitting up. Giving your child some pet responsibilities and encouraging them to develop a closer bond to your animal, will undoubtedly be a comfort and help to both of them. As hard as this is for you remember you are the adult and can handle this better.

Ensure that when you are first discussing the terms of your separation that you include any pets. If you leave this till the end it could become difficult. Make it clear who will care for the pet and any visitation rights. Don't let it get confusing, stick to the decision as hard as it may be.

Think about your living arrangements when deciding with whom the pet will live. Make sure your pet goes to the owner that can offer the best care and best home, even if this means it isn't you. Outside space and a comfortable home will be important factors to think about. Put your needs second, it's hard to do, but is necessary.

If you end up with the pet then take comfort from them rather than shutting him or her out of your problems. They will feel your energy anyway and their natural instinct will be to nurture you. If you have a cat, buy a new cat stand and some toys to play with them. You can buy cat sprays that will calm them down like Feliway Feline Facial Pheromone Diffuser. Give them attention so your bond is reinforced. If you own a dog take it for long walks this will help to clear your head and the dog will enjoy time just with you.

If you are keeping the family pet then remember that they will need a lot of love and comfort when your ex leaves. Regardless of how you broke up or what your opinion is of your previous partner/spouse they were a part of your pet's life.

Seek the advice of your vet immediately if your pet shows any signs of depression such as not eating or behavioural problems.

Allow yourself to grieve if you lose your pet in the process of divorce/separation. The love between a pet and their owner is very strong and it will be natural for both of you to be upset at this loss.

Whatever you do don't argue or shout in front of your pet. This could leave them feeling frightened and insecure.

Don't take your anger out on your pet. Just remember how much they love you and how confused they are. This will be a new beginning for them as well.

Never use your pet as a bargaining tool in your divorce. If you want to do that, bargain with the furniture, never with children or animals. Always keep in mind what is in your pet's best interest. 

Only approach the court for custody if it is a last resort. Try talking to your spouse or attempt mediation first. 

For further advice speak to your vet who should be able to advise on caring for your pet during a divorce or separation, especially if they become stressed. For legal advice concerning custody or contact with your pet you should consult a solicitor.

At we understand how important it is to not only have the latest cat toy, or the trendiest dog collar, but also to make sure the boring bits are covered. That's why we have a variety of flea, worming and fur treatments.

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Guinea Pig Types and Breeds

Many different types or breeds of cavy or guinea pigs have been developed since they were first domesticated over seven thousand years ago. They originated in the Andes, the mountain range that runs down the west coast of South America. They were originally domesticated by the Andean people as an agricultural stock for food, just as we breed chickens today.

Guinea pigs were first introduced to Europe in the fifteenth century when they were found to be quiet, relatively easy to keep and handle and naturally appealing in nature. There are mainly four types of pig kept as pets. The short haired, Abyssinian, Peruvian and Sheltie which is sometimes known as the Silkie. All of these were found to be very companionable even though they may fall short of the perfection needed for show animals. The show breeds can be a little more difficult to maintain and some prone to genetic defects. Most of the breeds are also available as Satin which have a special gloss to their fur. This is caused by their hollow hair shafts. It has now been found that the gene responsible for the hollow hair shaft is also responsible for severe bone defects and problems.

Short Haired or Smooth Coated

The short-haired or smooth coated variety is also often called the American or English cavy. These pigs have consistent short, glossy hair with no parting. This is the most similar pig to its ancestors and is the most common variety kept as pets. There are very few problems with grooming and they only require an occasional brush to keep them tidy.

The Abyssinian

The Abyssinian has a short rough coat with rosettes through it, where the hair spreads out from a central point. The pigs should have at least eight of these rosettes. There should be a rosette on each shoulder, four across the animal's back. There should be one rosette on each hip and two on the rump. They should also have a harsh textured coat with the hair standing on end forming ridges.

Abyssinians can have a raised fur over their noses which can look like a little moustache. The Abyssinian is not thought to have originated in Abyssinia which is today called Ethiopia.

The Peruvian

The Peruvian which is a long haired pig also has a rosette in its hair, on its head. This makes the hair fall forward over its nose. The hair is normally shiny and soft. This hair can grow quite long and this means that you would have to take more care with the Peruvian. Grooming is a constant with this breed to keep them tidy.

The Sheltie or Silkie

Shelties are very similar to the Peruvian but they do not have the rosette on their heads so that their hair does not fall forward over their face but lies back. Shelties have long hair on their cheeks which can look like a beard,

No matter which type of breed you get I am sure that you will enjoy getting to know and love your little piggy.

John Evans is a lifelong guinea pig lover. For more great information, visit my website.

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Getting a New Pet - Be Mindful


Adding a pet to the family is a serious, long-term commitment. It's a decision that needs input from everyone who would be involved in caring for the animal. Who will play with your new pet, feed and walk her/him daily? A pet needs attention and love EVERY DAY, not when it is convenient for you.

Too many people see celebrities carrying their Chihuahuas or other small breeds in their purse or bag. These pets are not an accessory. They are a living creature that deserves the dignity and care we'd want for any of our human loved ones. Often the latest blockbuster movie has everyone running out to purchase "that breed", but then in a short period of time, the novelty wears off and our shelters become inundated with Chihuahuas, Yellow Labs, Dalmatians, bunnies, Persian cats, potbelly pigs, etc.

There is responsibility in having an animal companion. The very first challenge is: Are you choosing the right breed for your entire family? You have to consider temperament, size, safety and general compatibility with EVERYONE in the home.

Who will bathe your pet? Who will administer the monthly flea repellant? Could someone be allergic to the pet? What is the cost of neutering and spaying? Why is this a good thing to do?

Please think about how much will it cost to feed them.

Questions like:
Where do I buy quality food to feed my pet? Do I know how to read a label on the pet food or treats to make sure they are the best for my animal's health? Do I honestly know what is in my pet's food? Premium quality food reduces your vet costs as they get fewer allergies, diseases and ailments.

How much money will it cost me annually for proper veterinary care? NOTE: Consider the age and any known condition of health at the time you have taken on care for your new pet. Older pets are often great to get, consider your emotions and how long this pet will be in your life. Do they have any physical conditions that will cost me more at the vet? Senior animals seem to not get as easily adopted...please consider it. They are already mellow and can be less effort to train. Who would look after the animal during my trips and vacations? You cannot leave most animals alone without at least partial human daily supervision.

Where to obtain your pet:
Instead of buying a puppy or kitten as a gift, consider looking into and possibly waiting to adopt a pet from a local shelter or breed- specific rescue group. You could give a loved one a "gift certificate" from a local shelter, or a stuffed animal representing a shelter pet. Shelters too often carry the brunt of too many decisions that are made unconsciously resulting in rejected animals being "returned". They are Not disposable items!

Just say "no!" to buying at the pet stores:
Many pet stores purchase their animals from "puppy mills": mass-breeding operations so bent on making a profit that they often disregard the physical, social, and emotional well-being of the animals in their facilities. Puppy mill-raised animals can suffer from neglect such as severe physical and emotional ailments, and some may even die.

NOTE: Puppy mills-The only way to put these facilities out of business is to hit them where it hurts: in the wallet. Don't purchase an animal from a pet store.

So instead of supporting the puppy mills or paying for a breeder to produce a live creature to be born 'just for you!'... head to your local animal shelter and breed-specific rescue group, which are wonderful places to find a new pet. Nationwide dogs and cats in shelters can be purebred, and there are millions of healthy mixed breed animals currently awaiting good homes. Most of these shelter animals have already been spayed or neutered, and have received all their vaccinations and up-to-date veterinary checkups.

No need to be impulsive or uninformed. This is a life; a live being you are taking on, and you want to be the best you can be for your animal companion. Ask yourself: AM I BEING A RESPONSIBLE PET PARENT?

Often, when the owner decides the pet is not that cute anymore, or too much work, or they just weren't ready for the responsibility, it is often the local shelter that takes in these animals. We need to remember that pets can't simply be returned or discarded like a broken toy.

Because so many shelters are already filled to capacity, unless other animals are adopted out to make room for the new ones, euthanasia is a possible ending to an already sad tale. It is heartbreaking and unnecessary if we humans all took responsibility in the first place.

Please think it through. Too many wonderful creatures are returned to shelters, as people just don't realize the responsibility of being a good pet owner and making a lifetime commitment. It will cost you money and time.

There will be bumps in the road like any relationship. Will you willing clean up their vomit? Clean their kitty litter daily? Clean the birdcage? Give a reptile the proper size environment? Is your child kind to small creatures? Do you have the patience to teach them how to be kind and properly care for your new pet?
You must be diligent about teaching your small child proper handling of your new animal companion.

A Personal Tail:
I once rescued a Pomeranian that was 5+ years old. She had been bred for 5 years of her life and "tossed out" after that. That is when I found her at a breed-specific rescue center. Somehow these sweet pets know they are being rescued; she was one of the most appreciative animals I ever had. Well behaved but a little skittish at the beginning. She was kept in a confined area when she was a "breeder" and it took her awhile to get used to her new home where with me she had freedom to move around physically and explore more, and the consistent love and attention was new for her. It took her almost a year to trust the situation and "relax" into her new home.

Give them time...they will figure it out. Rescues make wonderful companions!
All this for exchange of one of the best relationships you will have in your life. You will be rewarded with unconditional love like you have never known.

Be a responsible pet owner, your heart will be filled and you and your pet will be forever grateful to you!

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Buy Bird Baths: Birds Basic Necessities

Watching birds in the garden will simply relax your mind after all the problems you have faced for the previous day so buy bird baths and attract more birds. Usually, we are spending our ordinary days working in order to earn and at times, we already forget that we need to relax. You don't need to spend cash and travel far just to free yourself from all the worldly cares. All you need to do is to maintain a beautiful patio and by converting a part of it into bird sanctuary, see birds up close.

But, if feeders are able to attract flying species whenever they are passing around, you can also attract those using baths. Buy bird baths and see what would be the reaction of those birds. This time, they won't be passing by just to eat or feed themselves but they can even drink water to satisfy their thirst. Like humans, our feathered friends also need to drink plenty of water so they can sustain their everyday existence. Water is among their basic needs. And with a fountain, you can serve water without a waste. Like humans, they need food, shelter and water. They need to be taken care of. They are lovely pets so you can simply invest a little for their basic needs.

When birds are given enough food everyday and at the same time water, they'll surely come back in your garden or they'll even prefer to stay. They need food so they can avail the nutrients and vitamins. Fresh water is also needed for them to drink and wash in. They don't just need to drink during summer but all year-round even in the winter. They'll eventually die if they are not taking liquids so if you want to be part of their lives, transform your place like a bird home. Place birdhouses around, feeders on the right spots and baths in the center. These are the necessities. Make sure that they are visually attractive so they'll add beauty to your space.

To get rid of your worries in paying electric bills, buy bird baths that are solar based for they simply operate using the sun's free energy. Meaning, you don't need to consume electricity from your power sources. With good bird fountains, you'll surely be inspired hearing the beautiful sound of water while leaving all the bacteria away. These fountains are truly environment friendly and safe for little kids who are used to play in the garden.

Learn more about buy bird baths

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