Why an Underground Fence System Is the Best Option to Keep Your Pets Safe

We love our pets and we want the best for them, so how do we keep them safe and on our property when were not home? Let's face it we all live very busy lifestyles and we can't always bring our loved ones with us. As a lover of animals and a long time owner of both dogs and cats may I suggest from experience that there are several options that may or may not suit you or your situation.

One option would be to install either a wood or chain link fence. Traditional fencing can contain your pet, however it can be quite expensive, unsightly, and sometimes not appreciated by neighbors. Often dogs and cats will leap over or dig under a traditional fence. Another option would be to build a kennel which only allows minimal freedom. With a kennel be sure to pour a concrete pad to eliminate escape by digging and be sure to have at least six foot tall walls for pets that like to jump. Another option you could choose is to use a line or chain; however this option has always seemed a little cruel to me, and can sometimes create aggressive behavior. If your pet gets loose it's ready to run for freedom. Having personal experience with traditional fences, kennels and tie lines I have found yet another option with benefits that I believe far outweigh the others.

Underground Fencing! An Underground Fence System is a cost effective, humane way to keep your pets safe, and on your property while allowing them the freedom most other options don't allow for. These dog fencing or cat fence systems create an invisible barrier around your property that pets can't jump over or dig under. Underground Fence Systems are easy to install by burying the boundary wire 1 to 2 inches below ground or can be installed above ground with the use of Sod Staples. A n Electronic Fence can be used to contain multiple pets and by your design can keep your pets out of areas like swimming pools, gardens, flowers and shrubs.

An Underground Fence System contains your pets on your property keeping them safe. An Underground Fence is an inexpensive alternative to traditional fences and gives your pets the freedom they desire. An Underground Fence System gives you the Peace of Mind knowing you are doing the best thing to protect your pets. The best option for pet containment is an Underground Fence Dog Fence or Cat Fence.

Paul Gerbasi is the author and he encourages you to visit their website at http://www.undergroundfencecompany.com/ to find the underground fence system that's right for you.

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Travelling With Your Dog or Cat

Do you enjoy travelling with your dog or cat? Or is travelling going to be a new experience? Do you know if there are any special precautions that you need to take before traveling with your pet? Is your destination one that will accept pets?

Depending on your answers to the above questions, the following suggestions could help you in your travels.

Traveling with a pet can be a brand new experience. Especially if your pet is new to traveling, the following suggestions could make it a better trip for you and your pet.

For instance, ask yourself if it is truly necessary to take your dog or cat with you on a long distance trip. Some veterinarians and other pet experts believe that taking your pet with you on long car rides is not always the best idea. This, however, does not mean that you cannot or should not take your pet with you if you would like to. This is only your decision. If you decide that you are going to take your pet with you, the key to having a successful vacation is preparation. The safety and comfort of your pet is vital, so your first order of business is the type of pet carrier you will use.

It needs to be big enough that your dog or cat is easily able to stand or turn. Food in plastic bowls should also be placed inside the carrier. You should also put a picture of your dog or cat on the outside of the carrier along with his or her name so that if the pet gets lost, you have something ready to show possible people that may have seen him or her. If you are not traveling by car and are instead traveling by plane, make sure that the carrier you have chosen is approved by the airline.

Many pets are not used to being in a carrier. A couple of weeks before your scheduled trip it is a good idea to bring the carrier inside the home. Keep the door propped open so that the animal can go in and out as they choose. Having a blanket inside can help make it more comfortable for them, and even a toy or two is a great idea to get them used to the idea of the carrier.

When your dog or cat finds that the carrier is not such a bad place to be, he or she can then be locked inside it and taken for their very first car ride. Five to ten minutes on this first excursion is plenty. Take the carrier in when you arrive home and immediately let them out. Repeat this for several days until the dog or cat actually wants to go for the ride. This will show you that he or she is ready for the long trip you have planned. When travelling, never put the animal carrier in the front seat as the air bags in the vehicle can injure your pet.

With a little preparation, you and your pet will have a great time.

Lots of advice for the perfect care of your little friends, your dog or cat is offered by veterinary doctors and experts at dogorcat.eu.

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Find the Best Natural Pain Control for Pets

When you want to find the best natural pain control for pets, you have to consider the details of your situation before you start giving them whatever herbs you find. There are several things to keep in mind in order to assure that you don't hurt your pet as you administer natural treatments. In this article we will talk about some things that may help you use natural pain control for pets safely and effectively. The most important thing to do is to talk to a vet who has a full understanding of herbal and homeopathic treatments, before you give your pet anything medicinal.

The first thing to keep in mind is the fact that dogs are different from cats, and both are different from people. Just because a certain herb is reported to work well for natural pain control for humans does not mean that it's safe for your dog. Furthermore, just because one natural treatment is safe for dogs does not mean it's safe for cats. And even further, just because a treatment worked for one dog does not necessarily mean it will work for yours.

You should try to find a vet you can talk to about the best natural pain control for pets that you can use. Since they can observe your dog or cat, they should be able to assess what may be going on that is causing your animal pain. Even though many vets have no experience using alternative treatments, some do. You simply need to find one that can help you navigate the many natural treatments available.

There are some herbs that are notorious for being the best natural pain control for pets. These herbs include St. John's Wort, Feverfew, Licorice Root and Turmeric. If your dog has pain in a specific area of their body, you might ask your vet about trying these herbs topically, which means on top of the skin.

You will see that one of the ways to play it safe when it comes to natural pain control for pets is to try and find the things that can be applied on top of the skin. This is said to reduce any chance of having a negative reaction inside their bodies. You should still seek your vet's advice before you put anything on your pet's skin.

Another thing you might do to keep your pet safe is to use homeopathic medicine. There are many to choose from that might be very helpful when it comes to natural pain control for pets. Some basic examples are Apis mellifica 30C, if your pet is suffering with a bee sting or other type of allergic reaction in their skin. If they have arthritis, you might try Colchicum autumnale 200C, which is said to be a homeopathic distillation of Autumn Crocus.

If your pet has a cold or flu with great sensitivity to light and sound, you can ask your vet about using Belladonna 6X, which is said to be safe and may help with these conditions. Apparently, Arnica is also available in gels and creams that might be applied to the skin if your dog suffers from a twisted ankle or other type of trauma.

Homeopathic medicines seem far less likely to cause allergies in pets than other herbs might. You should, however, talk to a homeopath in order to find the correct dosage and the best medication to control your pet's particular pain.

You will also see that many treatments are on the market in pre-formulated products, whether you are looking for homeopathic remedies or the herbal varieties. And, sometimes you may even find the best natural pain control for pets in these products. However, you should make sure that you read reviews for the products before you buy them. For a complete review, feel free to check out my website at: http://petbouncewarning.com/

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Types of Hamster Diseases and How to Treat Them

Hamsters are susceptible to get exposed to diseases and the best way to ensure you protect your pet is by understanding the different types of hamster diseases and the best way of treating them. These creatures are small and as such, their sickness progresses at a rapid pace. This means that the sooner you realize the condition, the higher your chances of treating your pet and safeguarding its health. Some of the popular diseases include the following.


Allergic reactions can be brought about by different factors such as dust, food, sleeping materials and cleaning solutions among others. As soon you discover an allergic reaction, it is advisable to address the root cause immediately. In the event that the pet does not recover after this, you should seek immediate medical help because the problem could be going deeper than you think.

Kidney and Bladder Infection

This is also ranked among the popular hamster diseases. In order to treat this condition, you need to use some antibiotics. Once this is addresses, it should be easy for your pet to recover. While it is on medication, make sure that it drinks plenty of water and it is also important to keep the cage as spotlessly clean as is humanely possible. This is the only way to keep such infections at bay.


If you have a cold, it is advisable to stay away from your pet. This is because humans can infect these pets with the virus that causes colds. What is more, cold drafts are also known to worsen the situation. There are different degrees to this type of illness and it is ideal to consider these before proceeding to administer medication. For instance, if the pet continues to showcase the same appetite level, this is an indication that the cold is minor and it will go away on its own. However, it is important to ensure that it gets enough warmth to keep draught off. On the other hand, if there are acute signs of a cold such as loss of weight or wheezing, it is advisable to consult a vet immediately. This will ensure you get the necessary antibiotics treatment for the pet.


This type of hamster diseases is found in all hamster breeds and while this is the case, it is more pronounced in some than others. In the event you suspect your pet is suffering from diabetes, it is advisable to call your vet immediately.


This is ranked among one of the dangerous types of hamster diseases and it often occurs during the evening when the pet is most active. If your pet suffers from this, you should ensure it accesses enough food and water until it regains mobility.

Hamster diseases can be treated effectively once noted at an early stage and it is for this reason that it is considered important to learn more about types of hamster diseases before proceeding to treat them.

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Hamster Gestation - Quicker Than You Think!

The hamster gestation period is the number of days that it takes for hamster pups to be born after fertilization. Normally, the gestation period for hamsters ranges from 16-30 days depending on the breed. Throughout the period of time that your hamster is pregnant, as well as during and following the birth, there are some specific things you should do to ensure the health of the both the mother and her pups.

First let's discuss the various gestation periods depending on the breed of hamster that you own. The shortest hamster gestation period is just 16 days for the Syrian hamsters. This particular species has a gestation period that is quite accurate so if you happen to see the fertilization first hand, you can count on your pups arriving 16 days later.

The Russian dwarf hamster is pregnant for 18-21 days, the Chinese hamster for 21-23 days, and the longest hamster gestation is with the Robo hamster at 23-20 days. For all of the hamsters, you will notice the female's abdomen gets significantly larger at about 4 days before the birth.

The males should be removed from the cages after fertilization if they are Syrian hamsters. With dwarf hamsters, the males can stay with the mother because they tend to be very helpful when the litter is born. You will want to keep a close eye on them and make sure they are not being aggressive towards each other. If you notice any problems, you can slide a clear divider (mesh) between them until things calm down.

If you want to continue to breed the hamster pair in the future, you should not take the male out because it might be hard to get them back together again. Do note though that some hamsters can start mating again at about 24 hours after birth. If you are not quite ready for a new litter so soon, try the divider method.

While the expectant mother is pregnant, it is important to provide her with a clean cage and plenty of food and water. The cage should be cleaned out daily and be sure to note any changes in her behavior. It is recommended to keep a notebook of daily activities in case you might need to show it to a veterinarian at some point.

For food, you can continue with the normal feedings but also add some additional protein. This can include foods like tofu, scrambled eggs, vegetables, or cheese. One thing you don't want to include is milk. There is a theory that giving milk helps the mother to produce milk but this is absolutely unnecessary and should be avoided.

You can continue to take your pregnant hamster out of her cage for playtime and cuddling up until the birth. You might notice she is not quite as active and might be more inclined to snuggle than run around in her hamster ball.

After the birth, it is best to leave the mother and her pups alone. In fact, handling the pups could cause the mother to kill them and cannibalize them. Do what you can to keep the cage clean and, of course, continue to offer plenty of food and water. After about two weeks, you should be able to handle the furry little pups and do a more thorough cleaning of the cage.

You should do additional research on hamster gestation for your particular breed of hamster to learn more about your hamster's behavior.

For more information on hamster-gestation, check out DwarfHamsterSite.com. Liz Andrews has been a hamster enthusiast for nearly 20 years. Her newest book, 'Dwarf Hamsters In a Nutshell,' teaches hamster owners absolutely everything they need to know about caring for their pet.

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Finding the Best Pet Transport Service

When you want your pouch or cat to accompany you on your family vacation, you need to get everything right to make the whole vacation a success. Finding the right person to manage the transport of something as dear to you as your pet can be a daunting task; here you will find all that you need to get you through this.

Special care is all what is needed when moving around with your pet. You need to make sure that any foreseeable danger is avoided at all costs. For us pet owners, a pet is not just any other animal. They are part of our family. Our pets have been with us when we got our first jobs; they were with us when we had our first break up and they will continue to be by our sides no matter what. This is why it feels so bad when we have to leave our pets behind when we go for a vacation. Luckily you will not have to endure a guilt ridden vacation if you can secure the right pet transport firm to handle your pet's safe arrival.

Pet transport services are the new way of making sure that you pet and you are never separated. You can always enjoy the company of your pet no matter where you go if you enlist the help of these professional animal transportation firms. The firms have specially designed equipment to handle the transportation of your pets. There are:

· Air Travel Pet Safety Equipment

· Road Travel Pet Safety Equipment

· Water Travel Pet Safety Equipment

All these pieces of equipments are meant to ensure the complete safety of your pets no matter where the destination is.

Additional Services

The next thing that you need to find out to determine if the firm can meet the required standards of pet transportation mainly revolves around the extra services they can offer. You should not just go for a firm that specializes in just moving your pouch from the house to the airport. There are so many more services that are associated with excellent pet transporting firms. Some of these services include:

· Veterinary visits: The ideal firm should have the ability to take your pet to a veterinary if the need arises

· Grooming services: This will ensure that your animal friend does not come out of the journey looking washed up.

· Feeding: As unbelievable as this may sound, not all firms will feed your pet throughout the journey.

With this information, you can securely attain the services of a capable firm to handle your pet on any journey.

For more information visit Pet Taxi Hobart

Stephen Tracey is a freelance writer and IT consultant.
For more information visit Pet Taxi Hobart

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Pet Immune Boost For Protection Against Disease and Illness

How to provide a pet immune boost to keep away disease and illness is a topic most pet parents want to know more about. After all, why give your wallet to your veterinarian if you don't have to!

It is also a fact of life that occasionally we will be unsuccessful at protecting our cats and dogs from disease and illness thus requiring a visit to our favorite veterinarian armed with his extensive stash of antibiotics.

Pet Immune Boost - What are we trying to boost anyway?

According to the Merck/Merial Manual of Pet Health the immune system consists of a network of white blood cells, antibodies, and other substances that work continually to fight off infection and defend against foreign proteins. In addition, the immune system includes several organs. Some, such as the thymus gland and the bone marrow, are the sites where the white blood cells are produced. Others, including the lymph nodes, spleen, and liver, trap microorganisms and foreign substances and provide a place for immune system cells to collect, interact with each other and with foreign substances, and generate an immune defense.

While we may tend to think about our pets immune system as a single entity it actually is a complex intricately woven mechanism which generally does a pretty good job of defending against illness and disease; that is when it is operating at peak efficiency. The downside is that not only does the aging process weaken the immune system but other factors such as lack of exercise, disease such as cancer, poor nutrition, stress, and overuse of antibiotics.

What can we do to provide a pet immune boost at home?

This is complex topic but there are few simple step worth considering.

*Keep them active. Volumes of research confirm the fact that inactive pets are at least three times more likely to become ill as active animals. A simple rule of thumb is to set aside 30 minutes each day for pet exercise and play time.

*Vitamins and other interesting facts. Generally speaking Vitamin C and the entire B vitamin complex play an important role in your pets immune defenses. Additionally, research published in "The Original Dog Bible" suggests that 3 servings of vegetables reduces the risk of certain cancers and may even slow their progression. In cats, glucosamine and chondroitin not only helps with arthritis but may deter bacterial infection as well.

*Reduce stress levels. Surprisingly, stress is one the worst things for your pets immune system. You might even say an unhappy cat or dog will become an unhealthy, unhappy, pet over time.

*Diet is an important piece of the puzzle. Pet foods that contain artificial ingredients are terrible for immune system health. Their bodies struggle to digest this stuff and important organs such as the liver and kidneys are put under pressure to remove the excess toxins they inject into the bloodstream. A good suggestion is to look for foods that are labeled natural, have no artificial coloring, and are specifically formulated for immune defense.

*Two herbs worth considering. We have all heard of echinacea and there is plenty of research supporting its use to boost the body's defenses against disease. Another lesser known herb is Astragalus membranaceous (Huang Qi). Not only does Astragalus help your pet fight off disease it also helps to maintain blood sugar and blood pressure levels, works naturally to maintain regular water metabolism, supports vitality, and help encourage a healthy appetite.

In conclusion, the simple combination of daily exercise, a well balanced natural diet high in Vitamin C and Vitamin B, limiting stress, and herbal remedies containing Echinacea and Astragalus can provide a powerful pet immune boost capable of producing both short and long-term benefits. This simple plan could be just what the doctor ordered to keep your pet healthy and ensure quality of life down the road.

Robert D. Hawkins is an enthusiastic consumer advocate for natural pet health and wellness with over 10 years experience in the field. To discover more about an all natural herbal and homeopathic pet supplement specially formulated to boost immune function and promote cellular health Click Here

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What Wolves Tell Us About Dog Behavior

Any study of dog behavior has to start with an analysis of the behavior of the wolf, ancestor of all domestic dogs.

Wolves have developed over millions of years to become the ultimate co-operative pack hunter. Their bodies and brains, senses and abilities have become adapted to communicating with each other, and they have developed the complex behaviors required to succeed as a social animal.

It is broadly accepted that the wolf is the one and only descendent of the domestic dog, and it therefore standards to reason that dogs have similar instincts and drives to wolves.

Once you accept this, a lot of your dog's behaviors will begin to make sense.

Here are some of the "wolf-like" behaviors you may notice in your dog.

Pack Hierarchy: The wolf pack has a simple, but effective hierarchical structure. At the top is the alpha male and his mate. The rest of the pack is usually made up of their offspring, although it may include other, non-related wolves. All however, unquestionably follow the alpha male.

In the same way, a dog will instinctively follow someone who displays the right leadership qualities. But if he feels that leadership is not present, he'll try to take up the role himself. This is particularly true of breeds with high dominance.

Body Language: Wolves (and dogs) use a complex body language to communicate and usually, this "language" carries more weight than any form of vocalization. Body language uses the tail, ears, eye contact, body movements, posture and facial expressions to get the message across.

These signals are often misunderstood by humans. For example, many assume that a dog who wags his tail is happy, when he may, in fact, be highly agitated and ready to bite.

Territorialism: When a wolf pack stakes out a territory, they'll patrol it and chase off any intruders. You've probably noticed the same behavior in your dog, as he patrols your garden and barks at the gate. He'll also protect other "territory", like his food bowl, favorite toys, or even a person he sees as his "own".

Socialization: Social interaction is very important in a wolf pack as it helps to develop the strong bonds that are vital to the survival of the pack.

You can simulate this with your dog through play, walks and obedience training. But you need to go further, socializing your dog with a broad spectrum of people and other animals, so that he doesn't start to see everyone outside his immediate circle as a threat.

Chasing: The wolf's style of hunting is to run after its prey until the animal becomes exhausted, so they instinctively follow anything moving away from them.

Dogs have this same instinct which is why they love to chase cats, cars, and cyclists.

Fleeing: Even powerful, apex predators like lions, would rather back off than get involved in a fight where they could be seriously injured. Likewise, a wolf or a dog would rather flee than fight if the odds are stacked against him.

Vocalization: A wolf has the same vocal abilities as a dog and contrary to popular belief they do occasionally bark. However, as vocal signals would frighten off prey or alert enemies, wolves tend to use their voices sparingly.

Dogs have no such concerns and employ an extensive vocabulary that includes barking, whining and howling to express their feelings.

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