Types of Hamsters

There are five types of hamsters that can be found as pets in many homes. Hamsters are the quintessential first pets for many children growing up. Because of their small size, low cost, and shorter time investment, a lot of people find them to be an ideal first pet.

There are many considerations to take into account though when choosing which breed to bring home. Some breeds are ideal for children while others might work best for experienced adults.

Let's start with the most common hamster type and the one that is most ideal for older children. The Syrian hamster was discovered in the 1940's and initially bred for laboratory purposes. They are often grouped with the dwarf hamster though they are technically not. They can grow to be anywhere from 12 to 16 cm.

Syrian hamsters are very common in most pet stores and they come in a wide variety of coat colors. Due to their various colorations, Syrian hamsters are also sometimes called Golden hamsters, teddy bears, black bears, honey bears, panda bears, or Dalmatians.

The next type of hamster is the Chinese hamster. This is another hamster breed that is also incorrectly lumped together with the dwarf hamsters. It is a small hamster but it is long and lean and can grow to be 12 cm. For this reason, it is recommended that you not use a wire cage as they can easily wriggle between the wires. It is also probably a good bet to keep them separated as the Chinese hamster can have aggression issues with other hamsters.

The Chinese hamster comes from Mongolia and Northern China. They have a very long tail for a hamster (the other breeds have tails that are barely visible), which results in many confusing them with rats or mice. Their coats also appear to be very mouse-like with a mixture of browns, black and gray. A dark stripe called a dorsal strip typically goes down their backs.

The true dwarf hamsters include the Winter White Russian dwarfs, the Campbell's Russian dwarfs, and the Roborovski dwarfs. The Winter Whites and Campbell's Russian are so alike that many pet stores actually have difficulty in telling them apart. The Campbell's Russian dwarfs tend to have thicker coats but in general, they both grow to be about 7-11 cm long.

These two dwarf breeds are very social with each other and actually like to live together. In order for this to be successful, you should buy young hamsters and raise them up together.

Finally the Roborovski dwarfs are the smallest of all the dwarf hamsters at 4 - 5.5 cm. Due to their very small size and delicate bodies, the Robos might not be the best choice as pets for young children. They are extremely fast and very active which might be difficult for a young child to keep up with and handle. However, they are interesting to watch as they are very active and love to stay busy exploring their world. If you are more interested in cuddling and handling a hamster, a Syrian might be a better match.

Before you make your purchase, you should understand which type of hamsters would be the best fit for you, your home, and your lifestyle.

For more information on the different types of hamsters, check out DwarfHamsterSite.com. Liz Andrews has been a hamster enthusiast for nearly 20 years. Her newest book, 'Dwarf Hamsters In a Nutshell,' teaches hamster owners absolutely everything they need to know about caring for their pet.

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Pet Boarding Vs Pet Sitting

If you are planning to go on holiday and are looking to ensure that your pets are well cared for, you will find that you have a few different options available to you. The two main options that pet owners consider, however, are pet boarding services and pet sitting services. Which one is really the better option, however? There are certainly benefits to each, which can make it hard to know which choice is going to be right for your pet. Here, we will take a look at both.

Pet Boarding

With pet boarding, your dog will spend your vacation time in a kennel with a number of other pets. This can certainly seem like a great idea, especially if your dog is quite sociable. Pet boarding is often very expensive, however, and the risks of illness are much greater when your dog is exposed to a number of other animals. For dogs in boarding kennels, this also means spending a great deal of time in unfamiliar surroundings and being forced to spend the night in a small kennel. While dogs staying at boarding services often get ample exercise during the day, they are often left alone overnight. There is also the risk of injuries and fights from being in a large shared space with numerous other dogs.

Pet Sitting

Pet sitting is a bit different. With this service, your pet will get to remain in his or her own home. While this means that there will not be a number of other dogs to play with, save for your other pets, it also means a lower risk of injury or illness. It is important to remember that dogs are pack animals and that a kennel can quickly become a competition to see which dog will be the alpha. Dogs who are cared for at home tend to be calmer and more relaxed, and a quality pet sitting expert will be able to provide great walks, maintain the same play and feeding schedule, and even stay overnight if needed to calm separation anxiety.

The Bottom Line

The simple fact is that whether your dog is better off in a pet boarding or pet sitting environment is ultimately your choice, but there are many reasons why you may wish to consider a pet sitting service. Allowing your pet to stay in his or her own home with the same toys, treats, bed, and scents can be much more relaxing. In the long run, it is more than likely the best option for your pets physical and emotional well being.

In home pet sitting, dog walking and house minding. An alternative to kennels. Servicing the Gold coast through to Redland Bay


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Pet Friendly Places in New South Wales

New South Wales, Australia is Australia's most populous state, located in the south-east of the country. But aside from its being the most populous state, it is also a good place to go on a holiday or an adventure trip.

Many pet owners like to bring their beloved pets with them when they holiday, it can often be way to stressful to leave them behind, not only for your pet, but for your children too, if they are used to having the pet in their everyday lives.

It has become a more popular custom for pet owners all over the country to bring their pets along on holidays, since it can be hard to find trustworthy and reliable people to take care of your pets and even if they are capable, pet owners usually are not at ease, leaving their pets behind. Most pet owners then opt to, and actually need to stay in pet friendly accommodation in New South Wales and there are many such places available and scattered throughout this state, both all along the extended coastline from Eden to Byron Bay and including the many beautiful places along the way, like Coffs Harbour, Port Macquarie, Merimbula and so many more, plus then deep inland to Dubbo, Orange, and beyond to Broken Hill.

A wide selection of Pet Friendly accommodation in New South Wales include many beautiful beach houses, apartments, and beach villas, and then for those who prefer, there are Lake Houses, Caravan Parks with cabins and camping facilities. Many even have enclosed rear yards where your dogs and other pets can run free.

A short search online will return many pet friendly places to stay as well as other services such as vets, groomers and supply shops. Prices range considerably from as low as $50 to $1000 per night, depending on the quality and the type of accommodation you are looking for.

Since many of New South Wales' best features include long stretches of beaches, city and regional parks as well as world class reserves, one is able to locate many pet friendly places and services close to these amazing natural features, which makes the area ideal for family bonding vacations that can include your pets too.

It is always good to bond with your pets when you are on holiday and in a relaxed frame of mind, something that pets often may not see when you are home if you are in a stressful environment. There are also a number of local government areas that have dog-exercise and off-leash areas that include some beaches and some parks, so when you are travelling into the area, it is a good idea to do a bit of research at the local council or tourist information centre and see where you will be able to take your pets for their recreation whilst the family is visiting the area.

Some places also cater for different pets not just the most commons ones, like dogs and cats, but also for rats, mice, birds, horses and even snakes. Plan your trips ahead and have a hassle-free holiday with your pet along to if you wish. Remember to do your research before you leave and take time in examining the features that are being offered.

It really is no longer necessary for you to leave your pets at home when you are travelling, as you are now able to find lots of quality pet friendly places and services at many beautiful destinations that welcome you and your pets as a complete family.

If you are a pet owner or considering becoming one, we have lots of valuable information from our online pet directory, even if you are not travelling in our area, you can get some great free tips and hints and ideas and even products, destinations and pet friendly parks, beaches and services from our blog and newsletter, that can help you with your pet needs, wherever you are travelling. Sign up now, we are currently giving lots of great bonuses. http://www.petfriendly.com.au/

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What Do I Do With My Pet's Remains?

I had not thought about what I would do with my pet once he passed. I found out he had cancer and within two months he was gone. When the veterinarian asked me what I wanted to do with him, I had not thought about it. My focus had been so much on him getting sick and making his last days the best that making this decision never crossed my mind. I did not even know I had options.

I sat in the veterinarian's office, numb from sadness and heartbreak and now I had to decide what I was going to do with his body? It was not until that moment that I even knew what my options were. You have the options of taking the body and burying it in your yard, you could have them cremated with other pets or you could have them cremated by themselves. Then the final option is just simply let the veterinarian take their body.

We do have a choice and it may be an easy one for you or it may be a difficult one. For me it was not a difficult decision because I could not imagine him not being with me, somehow. The decision to cremate your pet or not to cremate them is really a personal decision. Only you can decide what is right and how you feel about it. If you do choose to cremate your beloved pet know that you have options for pet urns to keep those remains safe.

In years past, family pets were typically buried in the family yard and you could visit them or make a memorial for them of some kind. Now days we live in different times in many ways. People are more mobile and we tend to move around a lot more due to many different circumstances. Jobs, family and lifestyle play a large role in the mobility of our lifestyle. City life leaves you with a whole different type of living situation and an outdoor burial may not be an option due to space and living arrangements.

Cremation of a pet allows you freedom and comfort to know that wherever life takes you, your pet can always come with you. It is not unheard of for humans to make their own arrangements for their passing to include their pet or pets to go with them. Pet urns give you options for displaying your pet out in the open to memorialize their life. Although they are gone from our daily presence they can be remembered and celebrated.

Just know that you do have options. If you are making this decision ahead of time or after your pet has already passed, simply ask yourself this question. If your pet is truly part of your family how should their remains be taken care of? The answer will come to you and your heart will give you the answer you are looking for.

Pamela K Behnke is the author and can provide additional information about pet cremation, pet urns and pet loss grieving. Pamela creates ways for pet owners to celebrate their pets life. Having loved and lost many of her own family pets she has had her own experience with making those tough decisions and living through them. What do we do with our family pets, companions and friends? Understanding the bond between a human and an animal is something Pamela is very experienced with firsthand.

Grieving a pet and getting through that process is hard enough in it's own. Find out how to grieve and celebrate your pets life at http://pawsnotforgotten.com/

Explore your options and give that one of a kind pet a one of a kind place to rest visit Pet Urns

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Hearing, Taste, and Perspective

As well as differences in their senses of smell and vision, dogs have very different powers of hearing and taste to humans. Their small height, relative to us, also gives them a very different outlook on the world.


The sense of hearing is much better developed in dogs than in humans, and they can hear noises at a much greater distance from the source than we can. Sounds that we can only just hear can be detected by dogs from four times as far away. In addition, they can hear higher frequencies of sound, such as the ultrasonic squeaks made by small prey animals. The frequency range of a dog's hearing is 40-60,000 Hz, whereas we can only hear sounds in the range of 20-20,000 Hz. This is why dogs respond to supposedly "silent" dog whistles, which are only silent to us because they are beyond the frequency range of our hearing. It was advantageous for dogs that were bred to herd livestock to be able to hear well, so that they could respond to instructions shouted or whistled from some distance away.

Sound of silence

A "silent" dog whistle sounds like any other whistle to a dog, but we do not hear it because our ears cannot detect noise at such a high frequency.

For this reason, many of the modern descendants of these dogs have extremely sensitive hearing, and it is not uncommon for herding dogs to develop noise phobias when exposed to loud noises, such as fireworks.


Humans have nearly 9,000 taste buds in the mouth, whereas dogs have less than 2,000, so their sense of taste is less sophisticated than ours. Scent is more important than taste to dogs. The taste buds of these carnivores are designed to favor meat and fat, rather than the sweet and salty foods that humans prefer.

A dog's perspective

Being smaller than us, dogs see the world from a different perspective. To find out how life in our homes appears to them, get down on your hands and knees and you will see that it seems a very different place. This is equally true when we take them out in busy towns and cities.

In a land of giants

For puppies and small dogs, humans are as tall as a double-decker bus. Sometimes this "land of giants" will seem an intimidating place to them.

To dogs, cars seem huge and lorries are like roaring monsters, emitting exhaust gases at nose-height. We often overlook dogs as we hurry through crowded streets, but it is easy to imagine how hard it must be for them to weave their way through a forest of moving legs. For puppies and small dogs, humans must seem like giants. Hands coming down from above may seem threatening to a small dog, especially if he is not sure of our intentions.

Not paws but jaws

Dogs lack delicate fingers and opposable thumbs. Because they need to stand on their paws, manipulating objects has to be done with the mouth. This helps to explain why puppies pick things up with their mouths during exploration, and bite and chew to find out about their world. Unlike human jaws, dog jaws can only move up and down, and they lack the ability to move from side to side.

Threatening hand

Always bear in mind how a dog sees you. From a dog's perspective, a huge hand coming down to give a pat on the head can seem very scary.

Sixth sense

Some of the unusual abilities of dogs cause people to wonder if they have a "sixth" sense. For example, there are many recorded incidences of dogs finding their way home over thousands of miles. Dogs have also been known to locate their owners even though they have moved to a place the dog has never visited. Even more surprising is the ability of some dogs to predict when their owners are coming home: they will go and wait by the door from the moment the owner sets off for home. It may be that dogs have sensory abilities of which we are not yet aware.

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Pets and Obesity

More and more domesticated animals are becoming obese. It is estimated that between 20 to 25% of cats are well overweight whilst the percentage stands between 25 to 30% for dogs. This article is going to discuss and illustrate the important aspects of the most common nutritional health condition in pets today.

Obesity is defined as an accumulation of excess body fat. An animal is usually classed as being obese if it weighs 20% or more over its ideal body weight. It is not natural and indeed it is exceedingly rare for a wild cat or dog to be overweight.

Being extremely overweight can lead to numerous health problems for an animal and in some cases can reduce the length and quality of life. Cardiac problems can occur due to strain on the heart and the circulation system. Your pet may develop a shortness of breath, a low tolerance to exercise and the risk of chest complications arising such as bronchitis will increase. Furthermore, additional pressure put on limbs, joints and the spine will add to the chances of your pet developing arthritis, rheumatism or back problems. Worryingly, an obese cat or dog is more at risk when undergoing anaesthesia and surgical operations.

It is frequently the case that many people do not even realise that their pet is overweight until the vet informs them. So what are the signs that your companion might be overweight? The most accurate way of telling if your cat or dog is overweight is to take them to the vet's. Here they will be weighed on electronic scales and the vet or their staff can discuss your pet's weight problem and any worries you may have. If you'd like to check for yourself then stand over your animal and see if there is a visible waistline. Additionally, if you can pinch an inch or fat or more over the ribs then there is a good chance that your pet is overweight. Other common signs include: a lethargic demeanour, excessive panting and displaying a reluctance to exercise.

The primary cause of obesity amongst pets is a lack of exercise and over-eating. If the calories consumed do not exceed the calories burnt then they are stored as fat. Old age is also attributed to the gain of weight as the older a pet gets, the slower its metabolism rate becomes. The slower the metabolism; the fewer calories an animal needs. Often people feed their older pets the same amount as when they were younger which leads to a build-up of fat.

If indeed your cat or dog is diagnosed as being obese then the vet will check to see if there is a medical reason for this. If there is not, and it is diet related, then you will be advised on a weight reduction programme for your companion involving a change of diet in both the quantity and the quality of the food source. An increased physical exertion schedule may also be suggested.

Please be aware that this article is for advice only and if you have concerns or worries about your pet then please speak to your veterinarian.

Head to our website now to get a quote on your pet at our website shown below. For every online quote made we donate 50p to our million pound challenge with the goal of donating a million pounds to animal welfare charities by the end of 2012.

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Pet Food Charities On Hand To Help You Feed Your Animals

Food prices are on the rise globally, cost of living on the increase and if you have a pet or two, we have the added burden of feeding them to. Like many people uncertain of the economy, I have started to economize and that includes on food for the dog, fortunately I recently stumbled across a charity that helps with my pet food bills.

Not only do such donation sites have food for your animals, they may also have pet supplements. A lot of animals need good quality nutritional supplements to maintain impeccable health. Vitamins and minerals are the supplements that some donation sites might provide, but being a charity, its not like walking into a store, supplies can be limited.

If you have an overabundance of dog food or cat food available, please donate it to a reputable donation site. Non-prescription, unopened nutritional supplements can also be donated. Brand new, non-prescription flea and tick medication and flea collars are good things to donate as well. If you don't have any dog or cat food to donate, consider buying some in order to donate it to a charitable donation centre.

If you cannot locate a charity in your area, check outside the area you live in. Sometimes they aren't very willing to donate to people that live outside the town or city that they are located in, but there are definitely some places out there that aren't as finicky about what location you live in. If you have to travel many miles in order to get the free food and supplements, consider mentioning this fact to the person running the charity.

They may be willing to give you more food and supplements for your pet if they know the fuel costs involved in driving to their location. Be sure to thank the person or people who are running the charity for their community charitable work. Anyone who runs a donation centre to help feed animals is running a great program, and they deserve a lot of thanks for doing so.

If there is not a charity in your area, consider starting one yourself. Depending on where you live, you may need to get an official license from your state, city or township to run a donation charity. If you end up needing a charitable organization license, do make sure you are granted one before you go ahead with the donation centre plans.

Once you start running the facility, you will find that you need to seek out donations of pet food and other items. Some stores may be willing to donate cat or dog food to a charitable organization that helps feed the pets in their area.

There are no main brands of dog food, think of it as a pick and mix, but all the pet food is fresh and in date.

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Puppy Training Secrets - Recall

Recall or getting your dog to come back to you when called is possibly the most important thing you will ever teach your dog and is probably the thing most owners neglect or fail miserably with.

There has been much written about training recall and when to start but it's really quite simple, it's all about three things, repetition, consistency and starting early, the earlier the better.

Dogs learn by association and anything you want your dog to do has to be associated with something positive, for example a piece of tasty food. So, how do you start teaching a puppy to come when called? You start in a room with only you and the puppy and no distractions, have some tasty treats ready, wait until the puppy is looking at you and crouch down low and say the puppy's name followed by the command come. You must speak in a soft happy tone, high pitched but not screechy. When the puppy comes to you give him the treat and say good boy, repeat this 2 or 3 times then stop. You can do this a number of times a day but keep the sessions short and only call your puppy when he is looking at you, you must always set your puppy up for success, he must come to you every time you call him he must never fail. This is very, very important, you must not call him unless you are 100% certain that he will come, if you do not follow this rule you will fail.

Practice this for about a week in different rooms but still with no distractions until your puppy is confidently bounding up to you every time you call him.

Once your puppy is coming quickly and confidently to your voice it is time to introduce the whistle. The main reasons for using a whistle are, the sound it makes is always consistent which means there is less chance of communicating anxiety or fear to your dog and the sound carries much further than your voice, particularly in windy conditions. So, go and get yourself a lanyard and an Acme dog whistle not the silent type which in my view are useless, I use a two eleven and a half pitch which is a good all rounder.

Now that you have your whistle all you need to do to train your dog to come to the whistle is, every time you call your dog, immediately blow the whistle, 3 or 4 rapid peeps using your tongue. Repeat the process following the same rules as before then after a few days stop using your voice. Gradually move to different locations with no distractions when your puppy is 100% consistent, gradually bring in distractions, slowly increasing in severity.

Good luck and remember, stay calm and be consistent.

I specialise in training english cocker spaniels but my methods work well on any breed if you would like to know more about how to train a puppy recall please pay us a visit.

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Cat Lover's Air Purifier - Top 4 Things Owners Want It To Eliminate

If you love a cat and share your home with it, you have opened yourself to a lot of love, affection, and happiness, and you're probably smiling right now. But the air quality in your home has probably taken a hit, and the following are the top 4 cat-related pollutants that most owners need their air purifier to be able to eliminate. See if you agree.

Airborne Dander---Dander is the stuff asthma and allergy flare-ups are made of. The protein component (Fel1 d) in these microscopic flakes of dead skin can trigger symptoms ranging from mildly irritating to throat-closing panic.

If you as owner are sensitive to dander, it's tough to enjoy your pet when you're always worried about whether you're going to have an attack. If some of your friends and family are allergic, you're probably not going to see as much of them as you would if the air wasn't thick with dander.

And even if you're not allergic, dander can range from 2 to 5 microns in size which means it is small enough to penetrate the soft tissues of the lungs. This can cause the formation of nodules, which are often benign, but why go there?

Hair---Have you ever had company over for dinner, you're having a great time, the food and conversation are wonderful, and suddenly you look up to see hair floating in the air above the table?

What do you do? Do you reach up and grab it before it lands in someone's plate? Or do you make sparkling conversation and hope no one else notices?

Eliminating the hair from the air is a healthy thing to do because it often has dander stuck to it. And it will also help you avoid embarrassing moments when entertaining.

Litter Box Dust---Yes, you want your cat to use the litter box. You're grateful that it does, really. But the cloud of dust that is created when it's scratching around in there can rival dust storms from the Old West!The thicker the air is with particles, the more symptoms it can cause including watering eyes, runny nose, and sore throat.. And those can make you forget how glad you are that your cat uses the litter box.

Animal Smell---Every animal has an odor, a scent that is unique. And those of us who love cats tolerate the smell of our animal without hesitation. Those who are not in love with your cat, and possibly don't even like cats (Are there really people out there like that?) may not feel the same way about it.

Being able to clear the air of the scent of your cat will mean you can walk in with guests and be assured that they won't know you have a cat until you take them to be introduced.

Using an air cleaner that can get rid of dander, hair, dust from the litter box, and the unique animal smell your cat emits is an easy and non-invasive way to keep everyone healthy. And it will improve air quality and possibly your social life.

Airborne cat dander, hair, odor, and dust need never be a problem again.  Eliminate them continuously with the air purifier at http://purerair.com/cat_dander_air_purifier.html

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